1st let me thank you for Ccleaner and Degraggler. Both excellent products.
Without them I would have to do things the hard way.
This is a question which this is the only place I can see to put it.
I have found that the Registry cleaner in Ccleaner works fine for me.
What about other products like Regseeker. Sometimes two programs doing
the same function find things the other program doesn't.
Comments please.
Discussing how other reg cleaners work and measure up is something we don't really do here shankle, it is an area for support issue and suggestions for ccleaner only.
As you know the reg cleaner part of ccleaner is not as aggressive as others out there, preferring to err on the side of safety.
More research shows that Regseeker might be risky.
Will stick with CCleaner Registry Cleaner.
Discussing how other reg cleaners work and measure up is something we don't really do here shankle, it is an area for support issue and suggestions for ccleaner only.
As you know the reg cleaner part of ccleaner is not as aggressive as others out there, preferring to err on the side of safety.