
I know I should know how to do this after all this time, but how do you enter a ULR to keep in the options menu? :(

I shall probably have a red face when the answer comes :wub:

I visited the sites with cookies I wanted to keep Bedo, then opened the options menu in ccleaner. It was just a matter of hightlighting the desired ones in the left hand panel and clicking on the arrow to transfer them to the right hand side panel.

Hazelnut, thank you for the reply, I should have made it clearer, if the ULR is in the right hand panel as you say is easy, but how do you get it in the left hand panel. Sometimes it goes there if you have just visited a site but not always.

Hazelnut, thank you for the reply, I should have made it clearer, if the ULR is in the right hand panel as you say is easy, but how do you get it in the left hand panel. Sometimes it goes there if you have just visited a site but not always.

Highlight the URL that you want to move > then click the arrow (in the middle) to move it to the other side. There are 2 arrows: 1 points to the left, and 1 points to the right.

Does that answer your question?

Unfortunately krir86lr the ULR is not in the left hand panel, as I say most ULRs go there when you visit a web site, but some don't, and if they do not go there is there any way to get them in the Left hand panel so you can put them in Right hand panel to keep.

Depending on your situation, this may help: I have observed that, sometimes, cookies that existed before the last install/update of CCleaner don't seem to show in the left hand column. I have made them appear by deleting the existing cookie and going to the website to create a fresh one.

Glenn, Thank you, I will try that, sounds to me like it might work.

Soon as I get a minute I will have a go.

Thank you all for your replies.

Will let you know if it works.



I think you mean URL.


"I think you mean URL."

I do have senior moments, and that was one of them. :D

BTW, I find if you put the URL in Favourites, the cookies are saved.

Eldmannen, you must keep an eye on me in case I go astray again :rolleyes: