Thanks Alan B, that's a thought, and I may give that a try, but I'd still rather that CC do it.
Thanks again ident, you obviously know more than I do about this stuff. I'll try what you suggested.
As for reg cleaning, it's really more of an anal thing, like Alan B mentioned about foreign files. It's something you'll never see or bother you, but for some people it's a challenge to remove everything that's not needed and to fix everything that bugs them. That's really all it is to me, so I clean with CC, then sometimes I use JV, RegScrubXP and others to get problems that the other cleaners missed. I have never had a serious problem with reg cleaning, and if I do I can just fix it. Sometimes I go in and delete files/folders just to see what happens, and if they do cause damage I can just go into a ghost image and pull a copy out, or use a PE disc if it won't boot. And if all else fails, I simply re-ghost it ![:)]()
It's all just for fun really, if it were a work machine that I couldn't afford to have down then I wouldn't do it. Plus I end up looking up files and hacks etc on the net and learning a lot about computers and the OS, just like I'm learning stuff right now with you, so thanks!
The smallest/easiest program I have that loses settings is Purrint. It's also the worst too, sometimes I'll set it, make a copy, then < a minute later I'll try to make another copy and it's lost it's settings already. I'd like to see if CC could reset it automatically, then after that I'll worry about fixing it correctly. Just a learning experience/challenge is all... I'd like to get CC to do as much stuff as possible with one click. Like with reg tweaks, it's fun to pack as many as possible into one big file and have it all work correctly.
I defrag a lot too. I know it doesn't help to go from one or two files fragged a few times to zero frag, but again it's just an anal thing like Alan's foreign files. It's also fun to get the whole system as perfect and light as possible, then ghost it. Not only so you have a perfect ghost image ready to go, but to see how small you can get the image too. Same with making an install disc, delete/disable as much as possible, and make it as small as possible, and still have it work correctly. I've made XP install discs as small as 155M with minimal services etc running. I'm sure it's not a record, but it's my record. Just a challenge...
There is one thing I've been working on for a while that maybe you can help me with. That is getting the default window width for folders in XP to be the width I choose vs the very wide oem setting. I know you can set all existing folders to stay the width you want, but you have to set each one individually. I want all existing and new folders to automatically be my width as default. Any thoughts???
Thanks again!