One of my machines at home has a couple of mirror raids set up for backing up my family and extend families media. I've notice that Ccleaner seems to run really slow on this system because it appears to be going out and looking at all the data. So I was thinking that it would kind of nice to have an option where you could select / deselect which drives to include as part of the cleaning process.
Unless you've checked of wipefree space ccleaner only looks at the system drive. Running ccleaner with a commamd line switch of /export will allow you to read 3 files which show exactly the locations and items cleaned
Interesting because prior to adding the raid array, the system never ran slow before and I'm not using the wipe option. I'll run the logging option and see if that can tell me why cclean started running slow. I should point out that the OS is installed on single drive seperate from the array in case of failure.
Thanks for the info. I'll let you know what I find out.