Opera User Javascript

At first i thought Opera don't have any good Add-ons like Firefox but i was wrong. Many add-ons in other broswer are already built-in or can be found in Opera through User JavaScript, Custom buttons/Power buttons, or BookMarklets.

User JavaScript installation-----> Guide01 , Guide02


- http://my.opera.com/Lex1/blog/flashblock-for-opera-9

BlockIt User JavaScript that works like NoScript in Mozilla based browsers ,except it has more funtions:

- Thread01

- Thread02


1. http://files.myopera.com/Rijk/blog/extensi...html?1229580110

2. http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/operaStuff/userJavaScript.html

3. http://people.opera.com/rijk/opera/userjs-collection.html

4. http://home.wanadoo.nl/sipke.reina/opera/ehbo.html

5. http://members.chello.nl/b.kroonspecker/opera/userjs/

6. http://operawiki.info/Opera - IMPORTANT! Plz read this first.

There are a list of Firefox Extensions so i think we should also make a list of good Opera User Javascripts, bookmarklets, and buttons.

NOTE: User Javascript, bookmarklet, and some button required Javascript to run

My favourite:

User Javascripts are (NOTE: Flashblock and BlockIt can be used together)

BlockIt.js - Acts like NoScript

Flashblock - Based on Flashblock on FF

Bookmarklets are

WOT - Web of Trust


Download BlockIt here by right-clicking and select "Save linked content as...": BlockIt.js

Download Flashblock for Opera below:



Yes, Opera is very manipulative, in a good way.

How do I use them?

You know what? I have no idea. :lol: After I set up everything I wanted (mostly interface stuff) many months ago I pretty much left my Opera options alone. Let me see what online pages I can find...

Opera Prefs, etc.

In Opera you can use these addresses as well...



How do I use them?

For installing UserJavaScript -----> Installing User JavaScript

After you have install BlockIt do the followings:

1. Read the BlockIt User guide .

2. You may want to test It at: http://www.youtube.com/

Flashblock Installation from readme:

1. Close Opera, unzip 'FlashBlocker.zip' to some place on your harddisk.

2. Copy FlashBlocker.css to your user styles folder like c:\...\Opera\Opera 9\profile\styles\user (Look in Help and click About Opera)

3. Copy FlashBlocker.js to your userJS folder like c:\...\Opera\Opera 9\profile\userJS (more about installation UserJS)

4. Restart Opera und enjoy.

5. You may want to test Flash at: http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/about/

Stocker360, next time I fire up the old PIII I'll give it a try.


Bookmark star button:

http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=123713 - "Bookmark Star" for Opera. The bookmark star are similar to the ones in Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

UserJS Manager:

http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=189475 - Manager for UserJS scripts of Opera Browser

Search Highlighter:


[userJS] Snap Links:

http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=206662 - This userjs is based on the FireFox extension Snap Links

[userJs] Code/Formatting Tools in Quick-Reply:


Only UserScript i'm using is noclicktoactivate.js.

I'm using Opera 10 but I'll try to figure this out.

I guess I'm a bit thick but I don't see anything different. :unsure: