Does anyone know how to get the bookmarks/favorites in opera to stay "pinned" to the right side of the screen like with firefox or IE7? I havent been able to figure this one out yet.
Does anyone know how to get the bookmarks/favorites in opera to stay "pinned" to the right side of the screen like with firefox or IE7? I havent been able to figure this one out yet.
Do you mean move the side bar to the right? If so right click the side bar and select customize and select the "panel tab" In the dialog box you will see a drop down box called "panel placement". Select right side. Thats how I have my Opera as well.
How do you do that for IE7? In Firefox I use the All In One Side Bar extension to do it.
I'm an idiot. I meant to say the LEFT side of the screen (my other right:)).
I basically want my opera to have look the same as the All In One Side Bar extension in firefox, or like in IE7, the little star in the left hand upper corner that allows the favorites to be shown.
So I guess i just want an easy access to my bookmarks.
ok, i didnt realize it was called Panels. your response actually helped me out pretty good! thanks, its all figured out!
LOL all in one sidebar is actually based on opera's sidebar.
In opera you can just click on a thin bar on the right side of the screen and it will open and close. (this might be something you have to enable, I don't have it installed to check)
LOL all in one sidebar is actually based on opera's sidebar.In opera you can just click on a thin bar on the right side of the screen and it will open and close.
(this might be something you have to enable, I don't have it installed to check)
All In One Side Bar is much nicer than Opera's side bar although Opera's is nice too.
The switch for the side bar in Opera does have to be enabled. He can do that using the same instructions I gave him earlier.