Hello. I noticed one error in the latest version of CCleaner. CCleaner deletes passwords when clearing the Opera browser, though in the settings removal of passwords is disabled. We would like to hear the answer and solution to this problem.
Hello. I noticed one error in the latest version of CCleaner. CCleaner deletes passwords when clearing the Opera browser, though in the settings removal of passwords is disabled. We would like to hear the answer and solution to this problem.
P.S - I am from Russia
Please Search the forum and I think you will find this has recently been raised.
If you want specific advice on a browser it is better to ask in a topic related to that browser
Sorry that in my haste I omitted to explain that if a topic is focussed upon one problem,
then it is obvious that any suggestion is relevant to that problem.
But if there are different problems added to the topic then a suggestion for one problem may be mistaken as a fix for one of the others and cause damage.
I do not use Opera so can only suggest using an earlier version of CCleaner until a new release fixes this problem.
A seemingly obvious question but as it hasn't been asked, I'll give it a try anyway ...
Are you using Opera's "Password Manager" to save your passwords, or are you saving then by keeping the relevant cookie for a particular site.
If you are not using the "Password Manager", but simply entering them yourself, you need to "save" the cookie for any particular site by using CCleaners "Cookies To Save" routine ...