I don't no why Opera wouldn't connect the same way everything else connects, but you'd have to read that article to see how I had to change my settings.
Does that make sense? A browser that doesn't have it's own dialer.
I don't no why Opera wouldn't connect the same way everything else connects, but you'd have to read that article to see how I had to change my settings.
Does that make sense? A browser that doesn't have it's own dialer.
No matter, the mystery is no longer a mystery.
I did read the article and it's about dial up connections. Your on cable aren't you?
Might as well flog this thread for a while, as I'm in strange territory with this browser.
Can I put the back buttons above the tabs? And where do I go for themes and stuff? I could always go searching, but you guys can push me in the right direction.
Isn't this exciting, I'm like a kid with a new toy. Lets hope it's not back in the box once the novelty wears off.
Thanks for that link Corona, what I'm after is the tabs?to?be directly above the window, instead of the back buttons and address bar.
EDIT: You're absolutely right, messing about is fun.
You can't move tool bars in Opera but you can move everything that's on them to other toolbars. So you won't be able to actually take the tab bar and move it but you can move whats on it to another bar and get what your after. There are a bunch of how to articles for this. Many first time Opera users don't like the tab bar where it is and want it to be like Firefox so there is plenty of info on it. They even have pre made tool bar set ups for you to download.
It was probably daft to try and wind this particular thread up. Apologies for that guys, it's the most exciting thing to happen on here in ages. MHO of course.
People are bound to add a comment or two after all the brainstorming.
So to all you guys who put forward suggestions. You're all rubbish.
There's only one star on here.
Davey, I remember double clicking the Opera icon and that was it. I've no idea how my dialer settings were changed to stop Opera working.
To tell the truth, I had no idea whatsoever that there was dialer settings that could be changed around like that.
My settings must have been the normal default setup, otherwise there wouldn't be an Opera Knowledge base article to educate people on how to set it up for Opera.
Yeah Hazel is always able to find a gem of information to help you out when you are in trouble. Plus shes so polite and sweet, which is why she is such a great moderator.
Yeah Hazel is always able to find a gem of information to help you out when you are in trouble. Plus shes so polite and sweet, which is why she is such a great moderator.
Could be the reason Opera doesn't work on your 64.
Davey, I remember double clicking the Opera icon and that was it. I've no idea how my dialer settings were changed to stop Opera working.
To tell the truth, I had no idea whatsoever that there was dialer settings that could be changed around like that.
My settings must have been the normal default setup, otherwise there wouldn't be an Opera Knowledge base article to educate people on how to set it up for Opera.
What a turn around.My experience was just the opposite.When I took over this PC it was hooked up through a 56kb modem and hardly ever connected more than 15 mins a day for the user to read E-mail.We didn't even know how to reply.
A month later I was trying to hook up to a network switch and have the modem available also.
I don't want to remember that but I am trying to learn if I got it right without the modem.
For the longest time I couldn't connect to the internet except with the modem.
What makes Opera so much better than firefox? Im just curious...I've only used opera once but found it daunting because everything was so much different.