Opera browser up for sale


Directors of Norwegian browser maker Opera Software said that they were considering selling the company and had hired bankers to help them explore options after the firm missed a second-quarter revenue forecas

I'll give them 5 bucks.

I would like to see Opera come back. It had huge potential.

I am upset :( It's always been my favourite browser (well 12.17 has)

Perhaps we could make a new browser in the Piriform Factory :)

Perhaps we could make a new browser in the Piriform Factory :)

yes :)

I had primarily used Opera when you had to pay for a license to use it (early 2000's), I was impressed enough buy a license because there was nothing around like it at the time. I was very fond of the version 4 and 5 era. I was able to use it up until a few years ago, then bugs in it forced me to switch to Firefox, etc.

I'll give them 5 bucks.

Might be kind of hard to ship that many deer all the way to Norway. :P :lol:

I used Opera for about a year, I think Opera 4 or 5. And it was very customizable. I couldn't do everything I could with FF, but almost. Later builds kind of killed that custom feel.

"Might be kind of hard to ship that many deer all the way to Norway. :P :lol: "

. . .

It would certainly take a lot of doe. MMMmmUUUaaahhaaahaaha.

Opera Mini was the best phone browser i ever used. Better than the defaults at the time.

I would like to see Opera come back. It had huge potential.


We're already trying it :)


I am upset :( It's always been my favourite browser (well 12.17 has)

Perhaps we could make a new browser in the Piriform Factory :)

Not without SuperFast's tabs!


What about this theme for the Wood Browser tabs?


Now that Opera has split mail and browser .. Opera-mail specs look promising but the installation process has not been a good one.

Vivaldi -- isn't it Chrome based ? Google :ph34r: