Opera 15 launches to poor reception

I'm not an opera user, but according to toms hardware the new opera release(the first based on the new chrome engine) isn't making fans very happy:


Apparently its missing a bunch of features.

Apparently its missing a bunch of features.

It would cripple it feature-wise since Opera was previously so configurable, and 3rd party addons/extensions can only do so much to bring in missing functionality. You can only tinker so much with Chromium based browsers unlike Opera of old and Firefox.

I give it a good run the other day. It is definitely the fastest Opera version I've ever used... however, as has been pointed out it is somewhat 'different' :( A lot of the things which made opera so usable and configurable have gone.

There is a work around for the bookmarks such as putting them in a folder and adding the folder to speed dial etc but Opera diehards are upset (I like my bookmarks the way they are) and there is no chance of ever going back to how it was, so cling on to last installer if you don't feel like making the massive jump into a pool which is nothing like the pool you have been used to swimmimg in.

I even gave Maxthon a run I felt so upset :lol:

(actually it wasn't too bad)

I may try the new opera, but I doubt I would use it. I'm sort of "stuck" with chrome ever since they started syncing across tablets, phones, and computers. Its too convenient to instantly have my bookmarks, history, open tabs, ect sync no matter what device I use. I'm not even sure I like chrome the best feature wise but this feature alone has me hooked.

I've been giving it a good try out, and I have to say that it is a fast browser, and it already has some useful extensions available.

But, and here's the but ...

It isn't Opera, and never will be. It is so far removed from the Opera experience that it's simply a different browser, and the developers should have gone down the honest route and told the loyal supporters that Opera is being killed off and replaced with something else.

Lots of suggestions to be patient and see how it develops. It's definitely promising, but it isn't, and never will be Opera.

If I decided to use it, I wouldn't be removing the real Opera from my system and this would simply be an alternative browser.

From a long time dedicated Opera user.

I made the jump to Firefox a long time ago (after being a long time Opera fan). This post is making me shun Opera further.