Out now.
May try it out. Prior versions of Opera had problems rendering certain webpages, + suffered from needle thin tabs once you opened more than 50 or so tabs.
Hope they got it fixed! Will test later.
50 tabs? How much pr0n do you surf.
Oh, I look up information on new technology, new program releases, watch youtube vids.
You have no idea how fast it can stack up. When your on an interesting site, one site can have hyperlinks to other interesting sites.
I don't believe in learning 1 tab at a time.
The internet is the single greatest thing that happened to modern history.
Everything you want to look up (almost) is there if you know where to find it.
Max tabs I had open in Firefox in a single session is 1,611.
Geez...how do you remember what's open in each tab?
I couldn't imagine keeping track of 50 of them, it's akin to "where did I put that" or something.
Max tabs I had open in Firefox in a single session is 1,611.
Really ?
I think performance drops (from user and machine) once so many tabs are opened.
Opera 11.51 has proved to be one of the better Opera builds for me. My only gripe is the disappearing favicon issue on my favourites bar. However at least I know that's an Opera issue and not mine.
That's CIA stuff?
I couldn't imagine keeping track of 50 of them, it's akin to "where did I put that" or something.
Firefox makes it easy. Tab scroll. Sometimes I load news stories or youtube vids in the background. I have a 1 GB ATI video accelerator card, so I suppose that helps. I don't like waiting for things to load, so I just open a lot of background tabs as I surf. If it's interesting, background tab, then I go back & read it later, or whatever.
Firefox makes it easy. Tab scroll.
I think exactly the opposite. While Firefox starts to hide the tabs and I feel loosing time scrolling through them and causes the "where did I put them" effect Opera keeps all them on the screen and easily recognizable by hovering on the tabs to see their thumbnails.