The version 2.0.3 got released today (29'th juli).
what are the new features?
No real big new features but there are some new features and also bugfixes.
And there are more info on the website;
* performance improvements: for example, a 23 percent improvement in certain Calc benchmarks
* further improvements to file format compatibility with Microsoft Office files
* new email integration features for users wanting to send emails in Microsoft file formats
* more control over how exported PDF documents will display when opened in a PDF reader
* support for more languages and improvements in hyphenation and thesaurus
* support for Intel architecture for Mac OS X plus improved Mac OS X System integration
* built-in check for updated versions
mmmmmmm dooonuuuut.
now me waits for version 3.0 so that it can load faster
what is open office?
what is open office?
Its an open source freeware alternative to MS Office
is it any good? so its similar to MS office?
Yes its very good. I can make powerpoint, word, and excell compatible files.
Which means you can do pretty much everything you need without dishing out the hundereds of dollars for ms office(or 150 for student edition).
what is open office?
It is a free software, open source, cross-platform complete office suite. It is compatible with Microsoft Office file formats. It supports the OpenDocument Format (ODF) standard which is an ISO standard.
I dont use it very often, but I am happy with it, it does everything I want it todo. Works very good. Try it.
And yes it is quite similiar to Microsoft Office (imho).
ok, great. im downloading it now. i will give feedback after i use it.
I have been using this program for sometime now and think it is great. I use it mainly for the spread sheet. However, I have used the Writer (word program) and the presentation program (or powerpoint) and they are great. I'm sure that this package will suit the needs of most users.
yes. this is a pretty good free program. very similar to the MS Office.
there is however a downfall to it that i dont like. in word, when i right click on a word it doesnt give me the synonyms of it. i use that function a lot when im using word. OR is there a function that can do that with open office? if there is please, can someone tell me?
i have recommended this program to others and they think its good too!
Not that I am aware of. You could contact them and request such a feature though.
Until then, there is Thesaurus;