When is this ridiculous behavior going to end? I guess there are some in government who feel that a 14 year old kid who plays a game depicting violence or a terrorist attack is a potential criminal or terrorist himself. So their solution is to spy on the kid and his friends. How about dealing with the problem at the source? Maybe the game developers should be subpoenaed to appear before Congress to explain why they would dream up the concept for these games in the first place. In any event, I think there are some in the intelligence community who have way too much time on their hands and way too much imagination. Just because someone believes in the boogeyman doesn't mean that everyone else should believe in him too, especially when people like you and I are asked to foot the bill for their stupidity.
It's just stupidity. I no longer listen to the crap they spew about entertainment (video games, music, movies) anymore. Parents don't have to buy those games for their kids that have the ESRB video game rating with the age recommendations on it for kids that are too young and impressionable.
I remember the news reporting sometime after 9/11 that any public protest with a group of people is considered terrorism, and people could be arrested. So people with strike signs, boycotting, and picketing would be illegal? Now I don't know if they changed that law or not simply because there's too many stupid laws for anyone to logically know including law enforcement.
Ironic. Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, et. al. called for reforms in the way governments are able to collect user information.
I came across that story not long after I posted earlier today. It certainly is a coincidence, isn't it? It looks like sooner or later there is going to be a showdown between the people running our government versus the people with huge pockets full of money. I wonder who will win?
It looks like sooner or later there is going to be a showdown between the people running our government versus the people with huge pockets full of money. I wonder who will win?
Who knows. I'd think deep pockets will win, because we know the gov is broke financially and in general.
No, gov is the people who rummage through deep and shallow pockets to steal the money they want (not necessarily need) and they give it a spiffy name like taxes or something.
I'd like to pass a road tax where I'm paid $50,000 per mile I drive.
Hey folks, just happened to be in the neighborhood and saw this. I jumped on board because I'm a blue ribbon, card-carrying government watcher and critic. Just fired a rocket at these clowns through one of my activist websites. I'm certain you're all well versed in the constant surveillance going on and it's getting worse. As we speak some undead organism is probably getting his/her cookies on a monitor screen all in the interest of national security. They're the terrorists. I could rattle on all day but I'll limit it to my two cents worth. Got to go put my flag up and hope I don't get frostbite. Have a good day and thanks for taking a stand. Yours always,