OneDrive settings constantly disabled by CCleaner

Good afternoon,

Since long ago I use Microsoft OneDrive and CCleaner. OneDrive has the setting "Start up with Windows" and that is what it always did. Suddenly this changed: every time I start my computer I need to sign in with OneDrive which is totally annoying.

I discovered that this is caused by CCleaner. (I tested it by not using CCleaner for a while).

I already tried to change the CCleaner settings (untick 'MS OneDrive' and tick 'Remove only Temp-folders older than 24 hours'). Also I placed a OneDrive cookie in the list "Keep". All this does not help.

Which settings more could influence the behaviour of Microsoft OneDrive?

Thanks for your help!

No reactions!

I cannot recreate this issue.

What Windows version? what ccleaner version? I assume you mean the onedrive program and not the website. Are you only cleaning, or are you using the registry section? Are you using any sort of winapp2 or other ccleaner "enhancing" products.

When you click analyze and look at the details does anything jump out at you? Can you copy the results of the analysis and your settings (set ccleaner to save settings in ini file, copy the contents to a new text file, and return your settings to registry by unchecking the option in ccleaner) and attach them as text files to this thread

Thank you, Nergal, Windows 7 Home Premium. CCleaner Professional v4.19.4867 (64-bit).

Indeed, what I mean is the OneDrive "desktop-app". I use it so that all my documents are always synchronized in the cloud, in order to avoid backups.

I have no CCleaner enhancing products. Last night I looked at the details for the first time and saw three times the name 'OneDrive'. After I switched 'OneDrive' off under 'Applications' these 3 details disappeared, but it does not solve the problem. I unchecked OneDrive before and also tried to keep Temp-folders younger than 24 hours,

The rest of your advice will be tried out soon.

The problem is about cleaning, not about the registry. I did not receive a notification of your posting.

"...(set ccleaner to save settings in ini file, copy the contents to a new text file, and return your settings to registry by unchecking the option in ccleaner)..."

After reading your sentence a few times I must conclude that I only understand the first part (until the comma). See the attached notebook file.

Could you explain the second part of the sentence to me? I only know how to make a registry backup, but that's not what you mean. Although I normally speak good English, English is not my native language.

CCleaner settings.txt

It's just disabling the same option you enabled to get the ini file

Hello Nergal,

Next to the notepad-file that I posted I see "0 downloads".

Did you see that I posted it?

Hello Nergal,

Could you give me your opinion about my CCleaner settings?

Sorry I'm away from a machine that can read the attached file; if someone else can look at it, please do, otherwise I'll look at it after thanksgiving (this thursday)

Because serious help or support cannot be expected anymore on this forum, this topic can be closed.

The problem remains unsolved.

I am sorry my problem is so totally uninteresting.

have you tried getting support directly from Piriform via their website link.

even standard version users get support, they just put Pro version users first.

because no forum member was able to help may be explained away as no member knew how to help or the member that could has not logged in and seen your thread.

it has been found that at least one member could not repeat your particular problem so it would suggest the problem is not wide-spread and is, sadly, isolated to your PC and setup. (I realise that doesn't help you at all)

have you tried deselecting ALL options in CC, running it, then testing OneDrive still functions as before.

this will prove (as it should) that with all the option deselected, CC is not effecting OneDrive.

then rerun CC with a couple of options ticked, then test OneDrive and repeat that process until it effects OneDrive again.

you should then have the offending option pinpointed and that may help further refine a permanent solution.

Leon, I have a hunch that a problem that I have is very similar to yours and/or somehow related. The people posting in this forum were unable to help me as well, although I did not take this as lack of interest. I just assumed they provided all the help they could, which unfortunately did not work.

My problem is that when I use CCleaner, my Windows 8.1 Outlook account password has to be reentered. Not right away, but once I shut down or sleep (the PC that is) after I have used CCleaner to clean. This also has the effect, of course, of disconnecting my OneDrive synching. I have narrowed this down to what is cleaned under Windows Explorer or System. I have not narrowed it further as of yet. None of the checked boxes seem to be what is causing the deletion of my Microsoft account password during cleaning, so I now have to there anything cleaned under either of those two categories that is not shown as a checkbox entity? Would I find that in the Winapp file (I use whatever comes standard with CCleaner)?

I suspect that solving my problem may solve yours.

Hello mta,

The existence of Piriform support, apart from this forum, was unknown to me. Your method of deselecting all the options and after that checking them one by one, that's what I am doing since one or two weeks. The other method is avoiding the use of CCleaner.

Hello WickedGirl,

About your unchecking efforts: I have the idea that the problem is in the Windows Explorer section, and especially the network passwords are under my suspect, Because I am in no network I had this checked in. But, as I said, I avoid CCleaner in order to forget this annoying problem until I find back my strength. ☺

I stumbled upon this on random google search, Leon be happy cause I think I know your issue and a easy fix.

I had this issue myself, and blamed OneDrive for it. Then I though, maybe CCleaner is cleaning something and causing it.. checked around settings and ticked off something called Network Passwords in Windows Explorer, which I saw you have on too. It also seems CCleaner cleans when starting up too.

I then tested to restart my PC a few times, and OneDrive never wanted to ask me for password again. Could you try this and come back if it worked or not? It seems to have for me.