Hi guys,

i have a big problem. So on Wednesday i took photos but The memory card on my camera phone keep coming up as Full , So by accident i deleted all my photos. I used web programs such as "Recuva" and others applications.

They found most the photos but was missing the most recent ones. The ones i really want. The other Ones are backed up. Then I seen on a forum that reformatting might work. So i done that and now nothing is coming up.

Is There any way i can fix this?

BTW: Its a Sony Ericsson Camera Phone I was using with a M2 card

You could try running Recuva with the Scan for Non-Deleted Files option ticked, if you haven't done so already. I don't rate your chances too highly though. I don't think that the reformat was a good idea, but your most recent photos may have been lost already from what you've said. If you were taking photos and getting a card full error message then I guess the photos went into the ether.