Old exe files from desktop

In the registry in windows 7 you can find old exe files that has been deleted from the desktop.

It's a bit long way to find it...

Hkey current user -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> Currentversion -> AppCombatFlags -> Compatibility Assistant -> Persisted

The same are in...

HKey users -> S-1-5-21-and a very long number -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> AppCombatFlags -> Compatibility Assistant -> Persisted

The same are in...

HKey users -> S-1-5-21-and a very long number -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> AppCombatFlags -> Compatibility Assistant -> Persisted

That's just the Registry for the current user and/or anyother computerusers the s-1-5-21 is writen to HKCU when the user signs on