The past few days I dealt with a nearly full drive. When searching for where all the space is used, I found that about 3.5 GB was in the C:\windows\csc (client side caching) folder which is used for offline caching of files on servers. Windows default is to have offline caching enabled, but after disabling it the cached files still remain in that folder. Part of the problem with disabling offline caching is that the Offline Files tab disappears from the Tools, Folder Options of any Explorer window. I saw posts online in which people claimed to have 20 GB or more of the files, yet Microsoft states that these files should not be deleted manually from this folder. I would like to see an option added to delete these cached files.
Hi HuskerG, and welcome to Piriform.
For this one you could use CCleaners "Include" routine. "CCleaner\Options\Include\Add Folder or Add File".
You will need to check the "Custom Files And Folders" box in "CCleaner\Windows\Advanced" for the "Include" to work.
To keep an eye on where your space goes, try one of these tools if you're not already using something similar:
Thanks for your reply and the tools for listing folder size. The CSC folder is some sort of database to cache files from several servers such that files with the same name can be stored and Microsoft recommends against manual deletion of these files. If there were some way to program in the functions of the offline files tab into CCleaner, that would be helpful. Microsoft articles 230739, 230739, and 328284 are some things to reference. If you do a web search for windows\csc you will find many of the problems people are having with offline folders and may help you to decide to include a solution within CCleaner to solve this problem.
Have a look at this article ...
If you want to leave it permanently disabled then this advice on clearing the cache may be sufficient.