Google have officially release a toolbar for FireFox find it here. I think it is better then the unofficial Google toolbar it also has auto-fill which last time i used the unofficial one it did not it also has translator & a brilliant spell checker which is good for thos of us who cant spall (lmao).
But what's the point in the Google Toolbar for Firefox? You have the search bar, Firefox blocks most ads too. I just don't see the point.
auto-fill which last time i used the unofficial one it did not it also has translator & a brilliant spell checker
Again, there is no point to it.
Sorry but there is a point if i & others like to use a auto-filler, spellchecker and a translator.
You can get that from an extension more than likely. There's just no point to a Google Toolbar for Firefox. Let alone any toolbar.
Google toolbar is a extension. Yes you can get a auto-filler, spellchecker and a translator extensions but whats the point in having 3 extension when you can have 1 that does them all in one?
I wouldn't have it if I was paid. There's a Google search bar there built in with no added extras needed. People should learn to have better spelling and grammar on their own. Something that auto fills out forms can't guarantee accuracy either. Enough of this ping-pong argument. Case closed.
I got curious from this and went and installed it to see for my self. Well its ok but I didnt like the fact that I couldnt move it. Its just another big toolbar thier that I cant move the buttons on so that I still only have two actual toolbars. In IE I could do this with the yahoo toobar. As for the features their ok but I probably wouldnt use them. I still dont see the point of using a google search toolbar and a yahoo search toolbar. I'm always going to go to the google site and search from there. Maybe its habit or maybe I'm stubborn but I just wouldnt use them. So I uninstalled it.
I agree with Tarun, in that it's not needed. But I like to say each to their own too. If it works for you, great. But personally I don't see it being much use.
I don't like any extra toolbars, they take up valuable screen space.
I barely have that many extensions anyways. I agree with CaPMan, those things take up too much space. I put my bookmarks toolbar to the right of Help.
Extensions installed: ChromEdit, Download Tweak Manager, User Agent Switcher, Dictionary Search, Allow Right-click, and CuteMenus 2 (adds icons beside the menus).
The only toolbar I use is the Netcraft Toolbar.
I did some research on this. Gasp. Firefox already does pretty much everything tis toolbar claims to do.
The Google bar has many features its not a download only if you use them all thing. About people should learn to spell its not weather you can spell or not its just to make sure i mean look at Microsoft word and open office they both have spellcheckers which I'm sure many if not all users use before saving and or printing a document. When i used Google bar for IE auto fill worked great and so far the same with the FireFox toolbar.There's a Google search bar there built in with no added extras needed. People should learn to have better spelling and grammar on their own. Something that auto fills out forms can't guarantee accuracy either. Enough of this ping-pong argument. Case closed.
The Google bar has many features. It's ( its) not a download only if you use (them all thing) all of those things. About people should learn to spell;(its) it's not (weather) whether you can spell or not, ( its) it's just to make sure. ( i) I mean look at Microsoft (word) Word and (open office) Open Office; they both have spellcheckers which I'm sure many if not all users use before saving and/or printing a document. When (i) I used Google bar for IE, auto fill worked great and so far the same with the FireFox toolbar.
Grammar and spelling corrections in bold. Those with underline and parenthesis is what it was before correction.
As I have clearly stated numerous times, Firefox already has all of the features that the Google Toolbar for Firefox "says" it has. Read it several times, learn it, comprehend it, and don't reply to it.
Google Toolbar for IE took up space, though it gave IE features it did not have. Such items were better pop-up blocking (especially before SP2 came along). Now with Firefox, even the AutoForm and AutoFill with the Googlebar do not work like they say they do. A very BASIC amount of research will find this. Hell it even tells you if you check the links on the Googlebar page. Firefox already has autocomplete; which esentially is autofill/autoform. GASP!
Googlebar is as most/all users have said in this thread, a waste of space for browsing and is unneeded. It is as useless as Yahoo's Toolbar for Firefox.
As I said before, Case CLOSED.
First of it is now twice you have said "Case CLOSED."this is a discussion and i find it rude of you to say that.
"Firefox already has autocomplete; which esentially(essentially) is autofill/autoform."
I'm guessing you have not actually downloaded the FireFox toolbar then as if you did you will now that the Auto-Fill feature is not for autofilling your user-name & password it is for autofilling you name, address, country, postcode, phone number etc.
"As I have clearly stated numerous times, Firefox already has all of the features that the Google Toolbar for Firefox "says" it has. Read it several times, learn it, comprehend it, and don't reply to it."
As you say Firefox already has all of the features that the Google Toolbar for Firefox has could you please advise me on how to access the spell checker, word translator, auto-filler for name, postcode, phone number address etc & Blog This! button, cheers.
First of it is now twice you have said "Case CLOSED."this is a discussion and i find it rude of you to say that.
I thought the way your post was picked apart and corrected was rude, but what do I know, just my observation. I was gonna make a comment about it earlier but decided to leave well enough alone.
Just shake hands and make up!
Esentially, which was correct.
I thought the way your post was picked apart and corrected was rude, but what do I know, just my observation. I was gonna make a comment about it earlier but decided to leave well enough alone.
Just shake hands and make up!
The "picking apart" the post was making the point that the Googlebar didn't work. All of the spelling and grammar errors were there.
I dont know about you Tarun but this post which was just to inform and recommend to people that that was now a official Google toolbar available for FireFox. Is really starting to tick me off shall we both agree just to leave it as is. I like it you dont.