How come it displays Office 2003 and Office 97 on CCleaner's Application list when I don't have or had Office 97 installed?
I think you need to uninstall CCleaner and reinstall it. I think you are missing around with the ini files too much.
How come it displays Office 2003 and Office 97 on CCleaner's Application list when I don't have or had Office 97 installed?
I think you need to uninstall CCleaner and reinstall it. I think you are missing around with the ini files too much.
Nope. He has a legitimate question.
Mine displays Office 97 and Office XP as well. I believe it's because parts of Office XP use or have references that Office 97 have.
Here is a temp fix...
[Office 97]
I think if you use Outlook, it will show up (not 100% sure).
Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\ Is used for Outlook in XP and 2003.
Yer I use Outlook as my main email client, I'll try that fix out.
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lee i got the full version of on 1 ftp server if u want i'll send its link to u via email
You've had your posts edited.
That should get the message across.
Who is this Dheeraj dude? he's acting as if he knows me
it's a bot, or an idiot.