Users of Microsoft Office 2010 know that you can set the number of documents that appear in Word and Excel's 'Recent Documents' list. The default is 25 recent documents.
Has anyone discovered that after using CCleaner, the number of Recent Documents resets itself to 25?
You need to untick the cleaning of Microsoft Office in CCleaner. The reason this happens is because where the MRU list is stored in the Office registry settings will also unfortunately wipe out any user made settings.
You'll also need to remember this if/when using any cleaning software that offers to clean Microsoft Office since most do the exact same as CCleaner, wiping out the settings.
You need to untick the cleaning of Microsoft Office in CCleaner. The reason this happens is because where the MRU list is stored in the Office registry settings will also unfortunately wipe out any user made settings.
You'll also need to remember this if/when using any cleaning software that offers to clean Microsoft Office since most do the exact same as CCleaner, wiping out the settings.
Frankly, I was waiting for this kind of problem to surface. This is the first time someone asks about Office 2010. I have helped to solve similar problems for other Office versions.
It's the usual procedure, write your own Winapp2.ini file.
-- Copy the entire content of winapp.ini to a new file called winapp1.ini (with e.g. Editpadlite). Move all the lines belonging to the [Office 2010] entry from winapp1.ini to a new textfile called winapp2.ini or add it to winapp2.ini. Place in front of every ""Regkey="" and ""Filekey="" line in the [Office 2010] entry a "";"" character.
-- Place both winapp1.ini and winapp2.ini files in the folder where CC has been installed.
-- Remove one "";"" sign from winapp2.ini, save the file and restart CC again. Do that with every line in the [Office 2010] entry.
That's how you'll find out which line is responsible for wiping that setting. A matter of trial and error. There could be more than one line that's responsible for wiping that setting.
The Office 2010 entry has over 100 lines in its embedded CC script. So, it's best to concentrate on the appropriate lines. There're lines that specificly refer to e.g. Word or Outlook. That could reduce the amount of work to be done.
Of course, one has to modify winapp1.ini every time a new version of CC is released and installed.
You need to untick the cleaning of Microsoft Office in CCleaner. The reason this happens is because where the MRU list is stored in the Office registry settings will also unfortunately wipe out any user made settings.
You'll also need to remember this if/when using any cleaning software that offers to clean Microsoft Office since most do the exact same as CCleaner, wiping out the settings.