I have Vista Business, and run Office 2007. I would like to clean all of the Office 2007 Products except Word, as I like to retain the 50 most recent files. Does anyone know where the folder is located that holds the recent files for Word so I can exclude that folder from deletion?
Could the programers for CCleaner add individual check boxes for each Office 2007 Product instead of just that one for them all?
Ran into a snag. I followed your instructions and put the "Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\File MRU" into the exclusion registry box under HKCU but the OK button remains grayed out. I can't finish the action. I followed the directions carefully, so I don't know what's wrong.
Moderators can you get word to the developers on this? this is true also for me (see attached)
The OK button returns after deleting certain parts of the string (in this case of this string if you delete everything starting from \12.0). at first I thought it was the presence of numbers but then I tried this string \Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0
The Ok button returned when I deleted so that it looked like \Software\Adobe\Acrobat
also it is NOT the presence of spaces as \Software\Adobe\Acrobatr also grays the OK button