CC typically deleted several thousands of files / day, which I thought was excessive. Now after a recent update, the number is a more reasonable, less than 1/10 as many. What's normal ?
It all depends what you have been doing, how much screen time you have had, which sites you have visited, how often you clean, etc., etc.
You can visit a website and it will put one cookie on your machine, visit another and it could be over a hundred cookies.
Sites with a lot of adverts or links can put a lot of temporary junk files/cookies on your machine.
News (and newspaper) websites also tend to leave a lot, as do shopping sites (Amazon, ebay, etc).
Having an adblocker can make a big difference, telling your browser to clean itself on closing can make a huge difference.
I just tried this with Firefox, give it a go yourself with your own browser.
Run ccleaner to dlete everything, open Firefox, (no Adblocks), and go to the amazon home page (give it about 5 minutes to let it fully load, you should see all the addresses its loading at the bottom of the window), close Firefox.
Analyse with CCleaner.
Firefox internet cache 15,723 KB 372 files.
Run ccleaner, open Firefox (with Adblocks on) and go to the amazon home page (let it fully load, ), close Firefox.
Analyse with CCleaner.
Firefox internet cache 9,204 KB 245 files.
Now do it again but this time set Firefox to never remember history and to delete cookies on closing. (Adblock still paused).
Analyse with CCleaner.
Firefox internet cache 537 KB 28 files.
So you can see that what you do, and your browser settings, can make a huge difference.