OEM Computer

I have a Compaq desktop ,and I want to know if is possible to change bios settings for memory.


What about the memory are you trying to change?

What about the memory are you trying to change?

I have 512Mb.I will change with 2 _512Mb.Is possible to overclock a memory installed on a Compaq ?I am curious,because i cannot change nothing in bios!


I know nothing about overclocking memory, sorry. My advice to you is to ask Djlizard how to do it on his forum. Maybe Andavari, CaPMan, or Mangix knows how to do it though.

I have 512Mb.I will change with 2 _512Mb.Is possible to overclock a memory installed on a Compaq ?I am curious,because i cannot change nothing in bios!


why are you even trying to overclock your memory? every modern computer has access to over 4GB of Virtual Memory. infact Virtual Memory has been around since i386

I personally wouldn't overclock any PC for the simple fact it "may lead to instability issues that may result into random crashing," etc., I would instead invest into something newer and faster if the current system can't be upgraded any further.

I think I've read about overclocking also possibly causing data corruption, and memory errors, however since I've never did it myself I really don't know for sure.