Obama tail at the Canadian Embassy

Special Canadian offering at the Inauguration.

If you have ever been to Ottawa during Winterlude and skated on the canal you will no doubt remember savoring a Beaver tail.

The Canadian Embassy will be offering Obama tail outside its doors which looks like a flat Beaver tail made of doughnut dough topped with a circle of whipped cream, chocolate and Maple syrup.


Don't even try it if you have to ask how many calories it has.

i googled it..looks yummy as you say. curious..how many calories is it? -must know.

Shall we have a moment of silence for Obama's tail?

Beware of fake Obama email news

Brief Description

Iksmas.A.worm is a worm whose main objective is to spread and affect as many computers as possible.

The means it uses to spread are email messages that contain a piece of news about Barack Obama's supposed rejection to be the president of the United States.
