Anyone ever use this? I may have a use for this at home with my computer and laptop.
I just noticed it listed on FileHippo here. I may give it a whirl if/when I get a large capacity external USB hard disk for backups and my PS3. From reading their homepage it really isn't going to be too useful if you don't have some other large capacity disk for storing the images, that and it really wouldn't make too much sense to save a drive C: backup on drive C:. Something for another disk or disk partition.
I installed O&O DiskImage Express on my new Vista system and let it make an image on my 80GB hard drive I salvaged from my dead PIII and put in a USB hard drive enclosure that took about 15 minutes but I hope I don't have to use it.
The enclosure cost about $40 but It is well worth it to me as I keep things synchronized between my XP Pro system as I don't want to get into file and Folder sharing and revert to good old SneakerNet.
It may be as well to note item number 10 here in the FAQ'S
It may be as well to note item number 10 here in the FAQ'S
I would not do that.
I Export my Windows Mail messages on the Vista system and Import them into Outlook Express on the XP Pro system.
I sync My Documents Folders and IE Favorites as well.
It may be as well to note item number 10 here in the FAQ'S
That's a nice spot hazel.
Free Disk Imaging software which needs you to buy the rescue CD to enable you to restore said Image, is nothing more than a scam if you ask me.
Stick with Macrium Reflect which makes an Image of your System Drive, and a Rescue CD to go with it. All free, with no catches.
And I know from practical experience that it works.
That's a nice spot hazel.
Free Disk Imaging software which needs you to buy the rescue CD to enable you to restore said Image, is nothing more than a scam if you ask me.
Stick with Macrium Reflect which makes an Image of your System Drive, and a Rescue CD to go with it. All free, with no catches.
And I know from practical experience that it works.
Thanks hazel for finding that tidbit of information and thanks Dennis, I'll try that product out instead. I don't need anything too powerful, just something simple for home use!