nvidia driver update

i really dont know much about nvidia drivers,so was hoping for some advice before i download/install anything.

recently my counter strike wudnt work,and i did a steam diagnostic test,anyway it said that :

Display drivers: Failed

Your nVidia display drivers are currently out of date

For updated drivers, click here

Display Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400

Display Version:

Recommended Driver Version: 91.47

Recommended Driver Date: 09/01/2006

Severity: Very High

i ofc clicked on the "click here" part which sent me to http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp

but not sure what exactly i dl

Their drivers download page is confusing as to what a driver actually pertains to model-wise.

If the installed drivers has some sort of settings GUI (I don't know if it does) look for an update button in it.

yeah ive tried looking for that,cant seem to find anything that will update it.will keep looking around.

xana is this what you want?


I looked at the products supported link on the left, it mentions yours.

yeah it seems to be man,gonna try install it now and will edit this post with me results.owe ya a pint if ur right ;)

edit : cheers that worked,drivers are up to date now.one pint coming ur way

Good news that it worked xana, being a lady could I have perfume instead :)