NSIS.SF.Net/NSIS_Error installation on Win10

I have downloaded the ccsetup573.exe, 29154 kb size. It fails with the error, installer integrity check has failed.

I uninstalled the version i had running, rebooted, downloaded the ccsetup570 and that installed, then i went to have CC download the newest version 573 and tried that and it fails.

I have tried this over and over and still fails. i have Windows Defender turned off and still no go.

Any suggestions?

ccleaner fail msg.PNG

Uninstall the version you have and restart your machine.

Are you now able to download and install the SLIM build from here? (scroll down page a bit to see it)


Same issue. Haven't installed a new version of CCleaner for a while so not sure if it was something I did or windows 10 just being stupid and flagging this file/program.

The SLIM version worked.

Ty mod :)

i couldnt even install Slim version so just gave up. I have used CCLeaner for years until now.