Notifications Every Blocking Action

I'm on Win10 (version checked today) and CCleaner Pro with Kamo. I have the notifications set to every 100 events but suddenly it's sending the notifications every single time it blocks a tracker. I checked all of the settings but, other than choosing the 100 setting which now does nothing, nothing seems to slow it down. It started at exactly 800 and now it's at 883 attempts blocked and counting. Any idea how to stop this? It's a pain since it needs to be closed every time. Thanks.

Hi @Haiweepp thanks for flagging this.

Can you please tell us which version you are currently using? Also, we might need some additional logs to investigate this furtherly, do you mind contacting the support team at <span style="background-color:#ffffff; color:#382e23; font-size:14px; text-align:start"><span> ? </span></span>


Where do I find the Version# in Kamo? I've looked everywhere someone who barely understands can think of. Which log files do you need? I have CCleaner set to clean out the Windows logs for security (MS is a data sponge regardless of privacy settings) but if it's Kamo's logs I never touch those.

1 hour ago, Haiweepp said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Where do I find the Version# in Kamo?

@Haiweepp: Under Menu > Settings. eg:


Thanks for pointing that out. I don't know why my mind didn't make the connection. ? In any event, the version is I have it set up to install updates automatically in the background. Which logs would you need?

I'm getting continual notifications with NO increase in the block count . . . .

This is incredibly frustrating, and I'm seriously considering just uninstalling.



Hi again,

My issue was sent to Manila (apparently who CCleaner employs rather than qualified Americans) and they suggested deleting both CCleaner and Kamo and then download and reinstall. This worked great and the notifications ceased for two days. Now it's back and appearing every 1-2 minutes but now keeps the counter growing by one attempt each time. I can't find the email from Manila (must have deleted that when their suggestions worked) or I would get back in touch with the tech. Any ideas or anyone know how to move this back to Manila?

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		(apparently who CCleaner employs rather than qualified Americans)

Just to note that Piriform/CCleaner is a UK based company.

Although I do belive that 'qualified' Americans are employed - just like others around the world are also 'qualified'.

It's a global economy these days.

4 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Just to note that Piriform/CCleaner is a UK based company.

... with staff in a number of countries and customers in pretty much every country*.

4 hours ago, Haiweepp said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		get back in touch with the tech

Raising another ticket with will get you there.

4 hours ago, Haiweepp said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		keeps the counter growing by one attempt each time

This issue has been reported and the Kamo devs are working on it at the moment.

* depends on the time of year. The CCleaner users in Antarctica seem to disappear every winter when the researchers there pack up and leave.