Not reading my drive!? HELP!

I am trying to recover files from my laptops hard drive but I get error messages. I attached a photo of each error message. I am stumped as to how to get past this.

If you dont wanna see the exact error messages I got, here they are typed out:

1. Failed to scan the following drives: E:: Unable to determine file system type

2. You need to format the disk in drive E: before you can use it. Do you want to format it? (I clicked no)

3. E:\ is not accessable. Data error (cyclic redundancy check).

Not sure if the phoitos will help, but thought Id share them just in case.

Here is what I am assuming. My drive has become a RAW drive maybe? Not sure how to proceed if thats the case. It isnt completely dead-when powered up it makes noise and the E: drive appears when plugged in with USB/SATA.

Please help!




Still am in need of help! :blink:

there's less than 20 hours between your posts.

patience grasshopper :)

you need to wait for someone who can help to see your post, not all members log in everyday.

and not all members are Recuva experts.

and those that use Recuva still may not have experience with your sort of issue,

the forum is not staffed by anyone who works for Piriform, purely volunteers only and not all members offer help, they come, like yourself, seeking help.

but lets get the ball rolling....

what OS are you using?

what format was the drive; NTFS, FAT, other?

can you describe the noise the drive makes? if it's metal on metal sort of noise, you're buggered. if it's a click-click, repetitive noise, again, you're buggered.

if it's the normal head movement noise, that's OK.

I've had some success with drives showing CRC errors by connecting them to Linux OS's, seems to be more tolerant, but that depends on how bad the CRC's are.

if you search the forum for recuva or quick format you should find other threads where a member DennisD often recommends doing a quick format on the drive.

your data (what there is of it still there) isn't touched and the quick format should give the drive a letter so your OS and Recuva can continue.

The hard drive I am having issues with was windows 8 from a Dell. The laptop I have that works is windows 7 that is Toshiba. I am not sure what format is was before. I know it is SATA. The noise just sounds like there is power to it-no clicking or metal on metal-no disturbing noises.

Ok, Now that I am able to recover data by using [competition product name removed] I have one question.

Some of the photos are TINY-like 50x50. Is there are way to get them back to normal size while keeping the quality? I dont know hwy they shrunk so much.

This is an official software user forum and as such we cannot discuss competition software.

However, to quickly answer (against my better judgement), image files are made of multiple parts, one of those is the image icon (the small picture you see in tile view in windows explorer). Often times a recovered image only retains that thumbnail, or a currently-non-live file may have once occupied the same drive-space as the now restored file and scrambled the header to the full size image.

I am glad you mentioned something- I actually havent recovered anything with that program-just noticed some pictures were tiny. With Recuva I noticed many photos didnt have a preview available- is there a reason why?

Yes, but I don't know what that reason is; most likely different bits are shown, or maybe photo handling is better in one or the other (though I can't make up my mind on which to give that accolade the one that misinterprets the thumbnail as the image or the one that doesn't show the thumbnail in preview)