Not cleaning chrome most visited and recently visited

All 64 bit, Windows 1903, Google Chrome V77. ccleaner 5.61.7392. All options selected for cleaning in Google Chrome app tab in ccleaner. When I right click google chrome icon in taskbar after cleaning the most visited sites and most recent sites are still listed. Tried this many times. It could be to do with latest Google Chrome V77 as I have noticed that right clicking the taskbar icon doesn't always show collated shortcuts either.

Anybody else seen this, any plans to fix it?

Is your Chrome 'Synced'?

If so then CCleaner cannot touch any information saved in the cloud, and it will be automatically restored.

So CC can clear it from your machine, but the cloud server will just sync it back again.

You could try 'Incognito' mode, or the new 'Guest' mode with Chrome v77, either of those should not save your history.

Thanks for the response. No I am not logged in or sync'd

Before chrome V77 it worked fine clearing down the most visited and recently visited pages

Then it looks as if Google have changed something in Chrome v77.

The CCleaner devs will have to work out what has been changed, adjust CC to take account of the changes, and issue an update.

For now I'd suggest that you set Chrome to clean it's own history on closing, or use either  'Incognito' mode or the new 'Guest' mode as I suggested above.

(PS. I know from experience that Mozilla made some changes this month with Firefox v69 and started saving some things in different directories than previously. I have my own batch file for cleaning Firefox and have had to add some new entries to that after FFx updated to v69.0.1, - CCleaner had already picked up some of those changes which is how I first noticed them when the files still showed up in CC after I had run my own cleaner).

The issue of the taskbar not showing the shortcuts that you refer to may be due to Windows last Patch Tuesday.

Since that update none of my taskbar icons have a right-click context menu, and none of my system tray icons have flyouts anymore.

It's a known issue for some users as a result of KB4515384.

Yes I can use incognito or guest mode for the time being. I just wanted to make sure the cc developers knew about the problem. Thanks for the link re guest mode. Interestingly enough when adding -guest to chrome shortcut, all my shortcuts reappear on right click. Something interesting going on there. Thanks for your advice/help.

Hello @Horatio and welcome to the CCleaner Community Forum.

Thanks for the feedback and followup. The developers have been notified. Frustratingly, browsers are a constantly and rapidly moving target when it comes to cleaning.

On a related topic, one of the things we have been looking at is separating out the cleaning definition updates from the software updates so that we can push out updated cleaning definitions automatically to users on a more frequent basis so we can respond to these changes more quickly, rather than being tied to the monthly release cycle. More on this at a later date when it has started to make its way off the whiteboard and into code.

6 hours ago, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Hello <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/73549-horatio/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="73549" href="<___base_url___>/profile/73549-horatio/" rel="">@Horatio</a> and welcome to the CCleaner Community Forum.


		On a related topic, one of the things we have been looking at is separating out the cleaning definition updates from the software updates so that we can push out updated cleaning definitions automatically to users on a more frequent basis so we can respond to these changes more quickly, rather than being tied to the monthly release cycle.  More on this at a later date when it has started to make its way off the whiteboard and into code.

Will users get any choice in whether these 'updated cleaning definitions' are pushed out automatically to them?

Hello @Horatio,

Our devs just updated us that this isn't an issue as our latest version cleans most visited and recently visited sites from the taskbar via the "Taskbar Jump List" rule in the Windows tab.

Can you please have a look if you have that checked on your Custom Clean options ?

Smacks head;

I had forgotten that it's Windows itself that stores those taskbar shortcuts, rather than Chrome storing them.

(I'd been assuming this was a <u>change</u> in behaviour brought about by the Chrome version update).

@Andrei CCleaner. ah, yes! That's my problem. I had Taskbar Jump List unchecked in the Windows tab. So now that I have checked this it all works OK. Thanks for your help. I had unchecked this recently to try to prevent ccleaner corrupting office which it had done numerous times (but that's for a different thread). Thanks all!

7 hours ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Will users get any choice in whether these 'updated cleaning definitions' are pushed out automatically to them?

This is part of a couple of broader planning streams around "How can we make it easier for users to keep their CCleaner up to date?" and "How can we more effectively do our core business of cleaning things?". But this particular bit has not progressed past a concept phase at the moment. Probably configurable by the end user - although, a bit like automatic antivirus pattern file updates, scenarios where a user would specifically want to have out of date cleaning rules would probably be fairly uncommon.

There's a bit of a jump between getting anti-virus update definitions and junk cleaner definitions :)

If you make it automatic without any user say so, you will lose users.

Would be nice if the .INI files weren't inside CCleaner anymore like the old days. Then those too could be auto-fixed in a matter of minutes or hours if another issue arises like the already fixed Windows.old issue.