Not being able to scedule a Defrag defeats the purpose.

CClean I can understand, I don't schedule regular cleanings with it. With Window's default defragger it automatically schedules them and when you download Defraggler it replaces that and typically I think it sets a scedule too. Not being able to schedule that is not a great feature to lock out of free users. You're already limited to how many computers it works on why lock out a main feature of a defragger?

CClean I can understand, I don't schedule regular cleanings with it. With Window's default defragger it automatically schedules them and when you download Defraggler it replaces that and typically I think it sets a scedule too. Not being able to schedule that is not a great feature to lock out of free users. You're already limited to how many computers it works on why lock out a main feature of a defragger?

You can schedule events (clean & defrag) with CCleaner From GUI > my computers > Options > scheduling > Defraggler :)

OOPs sorry, just realised you mentioned free users.