not all is being deleted

When I run anallze after cleaning it states I have " 0.12MB to be removed. (Approximate size)" left to remove. I run the cleaner but it reads "0 bytes removed.". Now if I have 5.12 mb to be cleaned it will only clean 5 mb and still leave the .12 MB. What is the .12MB always being left?

I've cehcked all boxes under Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer and Sysytem. I've checked no boxes under Advanced.

I don't have the worlds trade secrets on my computer to clean but want to know what these .12MB of files may be.


Anyone has an answer for this??

Also it appears as if this file is the one not being cleaned.

"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson\user.dmp 0.12MB"


Anyone has an answer for this??

Also it appears as if this file is the one not being cleaned.

"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson\user.dmp 0.12MB"

you need to go to that folder in the path above and delete that file manually. I have the same problem - CCleaner doesn't remove that file for some reason.

It's a file that is created when something happens to your computer that generates an error report (eg closes down unexpectedly, application crashes etc). I don't know if Windows just locks the file and won't let CCleaner delete it. In theory files that aren't deleted immediately by CCleaner should be deleted at computer startup but this file just won't budge on my computer unless I manually delete it. Yet the fact it can be manually deleted suggests it isn't even locked in the first place.