I need help unistlling Norton Antivirus.
When I go to Set up programs acess and default and look for Norton there..It just shows there but it won't give me any option to unistall it, I tried to use CCleaner to unistall it but when I try to unistall it I get this error "This MSI be launched through set up"
Any tips on how to unistall it?
Another question, I have an old version of iTunes and when I open it, a window pops up saying there's a new version of iTunes, If I update it to the new version will I loose all my songs?
Sorry if this is not the right place to post..
Thanks in advance. ![;)]()
Download and run the Norton Removal Tool.
It should work. ![;)]()
For your iTunes question: iTunes is not supposed to remove your songs, but just in case, before you update, back them up.
Btw, if the Norton Removal Tool doesn't work, try Revo Uninstaller. It can remove just about anything.
Portable Version of Revo if you don't want to install it: http://www.revouninstaller.com/revouninstaller.zip
I need help unistlling Norton Antivirus.
When I go to Set up programs acess and default and look for Norton there..It just shows there but it won't give me any option to unistall it, I tried to use CCleaner to unistall it but when I try to unistall it I get this error "This MSI be launched through set up"
Any tips on how to unistall it?
Another question, I have an old version of iTunes and when I open it, a window pops up saying there's a new version of iTunes, If I update it to the new version will I loose all my songs?
Sorry if this is not the right place to post..
Thanks in advance. ![;)]()
NRT (Norton Removal tool) works really good. After a couple restarts your system will be norton free
The first link you gave me worked fine. ![;)]()
Now how do I get rid of the Norton Removal Tool?
Just by throwing it in the recycle bin?
The first link you gave me worked fine. ![;)]()
Now how do I get rid of the Norton Removal Tool?
Just by throwing it in the recycle bin?
It doesn't require a formal uninstall, so yeah just delete it
Installing a new version of iTunes won't touch your music library. I've completely uninstalled a version of iTunes before installing a new one, and the music library isn't touched at all.
My daughters iTunes music library is in its default location. The "My Music" system folder in "My Documents".
Mind you, I still have a complete backup of her music folder just in case Itunes takes a wobbler. I hope you do the same.
Be aware that if you install a new version of iTunes you are compelled also to update Quick Time if there's a newer version. Just so you know.
Thanks for the help people. ![:)]()