Removal Tool for Windows2000/XP/Vista 2009.0.0.37
Publisher's Description:
Norton Removal Tool will remove a failed installation or a damaged Norton product. It uninstalls all Norton 2008/2007/2006/2005/2004/2003 products from your computer. If you use ACT! or WinFAX, back up those databases before you proceed.
One of the tools I use when cleaning up/tweaking other machines.
I'm surprised they don't have some dialog that pops open to ask if you'd like to keep WinFax, etc., intact.
Wonder how difficult it is to remove the removal tool?
edit: Well, OK, I admit it, I enjoy "Norton-Bashing" as much as the next person. But it IS a security app, and should not be easily modified. How's that for fair and balanced?
Wonder how difficult it is to remove the removal tool?
Good question! I suppose it doesn't install though, as that would defeat it's purpose.