Norton Removal Tool for Windows 2000/XP/Vista 2009.0.0.37

Norton Removal Tool for Windows

2000/XP/Vista 2009.0.0.37

Publisher's Description:

Norton Removal Tool will remove a failed installation or a damaged Norton product. It uninstalls all Norton 2008/2007/2006/2005/2004/2003 products from your computer. If you use ACT! or WinFAX, back up those databases before you proceed.

One of the tools I use when cleaning up/tweaking other machines. :lol:

I'm surprised they don't have some dialog that pops open to ask if you'd like to keep WinFax, etc., intact.

Wonder how difficult it is to remove the removal tool? :blink:

edit: Well, OK, I admit it, I enjoy "Norton-Bashing" as much as the next person. But it IS a security app, and should not be easily modified. How's that for fair and balanced?

Wonder how difficult it is to remove the removal tool? :blink:

Good question! :lol: I suppose it doesn't install though, as that would defeat it's purpose.