Norton AntiVirus 2002

I installed Norton AntiVirus 2002 and it kicks ass! B)


No it doesn't. HEH.

Oh well, at least you can get indefinite subscriptions.

Norton AntiVirus sucks ass!

"Yay, we have a kinder garden interface with skins and shiny icons!"

It will drain all performance and memory from your computer. Instead of get a AntiVirus software that is more of a joke than a tool, get something that actually specializes in detecting virus instead of having shiny buttons.

Oh and the only thing that sucks more than Norton AntiVirus 2002 is Norton AntiVirus 2003, 2004 and 2005!

I installed Norton AntiVirus 2002 and it kicks ass! cool.gif


I installed Norton AntiVirus 2002 and it kicks ass! B)

I used that b4. It didn't do a good job. Switched to AVG 2 years ago, AVG was OK,

but now I find Avast is better.

As agumon asked you "why?". I'm curious as well, because in this forum almost everyone dislike norton( except norton corporate edition )

I just tried the latest Symantec Corp (Norton Corp) and I don't like it. It added 8 services. McAfee Enterprise 8 adds two to three services.

This is why :D

I'll try it for another week or 2 before going back to avast or free-av. :P

Thats great untill you get a virus and it wont do crap to fix it. :P

meh... it's better than nothing.. and it's certainly better than 2004, and 2005 editions.

I installed Norton AntiVirus 2002 and it kicks ass! B)


I have no use for "Hey, Norton" anything including the Corporate edition. Intrusive, territorial and inadequate are undesirable traits in software that is supposed to protect your system! Any anti-virus program that considers 3-day old definitions up to date is as reliable as a ripped diaphragm. The ass that gets kicked may be your own!

I have no use for "Hey, Norton" anything including the Corporate edition. Intrusive, territorial and inadequate are undesirable traits in software that is supposed to protect your system! Any anti-virus program that considers 3-day old definitions up to date is as reliable as a ripped diaphragm. The ass that gets kicked may be your own!

Norton release updates everyday, its not hard to install them.

I installed Norton AntiVirus 2002 and it kicks ass! B)

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try mcafee

try mcafee

What has that got to do with my topic? I wasnt asking what anti virus product to use.

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i also av norton 2005 edition but i found mcafee 2005 edition more usefull

norton 2005 is good but norton does not provide update for its cracked copy..... there is no such problem with mcafee

You have been warning before about posting warez, get it into your thick head. :mellow:

You have been warning before about posting warez, get it into your thick head. :mellow:

I agree, it's getting out of hand.

ok i'll not post any link

ok i'll not post any link

It would be wise to stop talking about warez as well.

@ Dheeraj

Not only is the warez crap getting old so are the big ass screenshots that have absolutely nothing to do with threads.

I try to be civil and polite, however the mood I'm in today I could easily tell you to piss off.