No files listed

Capture.JPG.48fd13efb50601e26111cbae074578a2.JPGAfter searching for the lost files. None are shown.

where are files.JPG

I guess there's a message under the pics.

The first pic quite simply says that none of the files found matches the search criterion. No file having that (what looks like a) folder name was found.

Running a deep scan as seemingly recommended is futile, as files found with a deep scan have no file or folder names associated with them, as they are held in the MFT and a deep scan does not look at the MFT so cannot use anything in the search box.

If the search criterion is correct then unfortunately there's nothing to be found.

Am I correct in assuming the Recuva program only targets the deleted files on a HD not "all" files? I ak this as a lot of the files it has found have the name windows. old. That file is viewable. However it is the RONALD***-PC folder that is empty, and the one I am trying to recover.

drive I.JPG

Recuva is a file recovery program so yes, it lists deleted files as a default. Presumably you are trying to recover files deleted from the ronald folder?

Yes as mentioned, only the deleted files from the Ronald folder, that is currently showing empty. However the drive is 2 TB (1.81) and shows only 168 GB free. The showing files do not take up near that much space.

That brings me to my next question. Should I copy the windows.old file, and Mixcraft Projects to a larger drive along with the recovered files then reformat the drive to gain usage back? If so what is the best procedure for that?