When I use CCleaner and click "analyze" it always says "no files have been deleted yet," both before and after running CCleaner. How/When can I know the app has worked? Do deletions occur upon restarting computer? (I realize my question falls in the duh category.) Thanks for any help!
When I use CCleaner and click "analyze" it always says "no files have been deleted yet," both before and after running CCleaner. How/When can I know the app has worked? Do deletions occur upon restarting computer? (I realize my question falls in the duh category.) Thanks for any help!
Are you sure you are pressing "Run Cleaner"
The only file that will be deleted on restart is index.dat, everything else should be deleted when running.
when you analyze whats the approx bytes it says it will remove?
and welcome to the forum
Are you sure you are pressing "Run Cleaner"
The only file that will be deleted on restart is index.dat, everything else should be deleted when running.
when you analyze whats the approx bytes it says it will remove?
and welcome to the forum
Ident, thank you very much for answering. Just re-ran CC and I now believe I have been mis-reading: it did say 36.9 MB were removed, and then when I clicked "analyze" again it said something like 50-some KB will be removed, which makes sense. Also, the files I can check manually ARE deleted, so all is good. Again, thank you!