You have a nice product and it recovered some video footage I lost from my GoPro. The footage was located on a
microsd card. The video was accidentally deleted.
Your deep scan found the MP4 Files. However, I am unable to open these recovered files and I had to use a MP4 video recovery tool on the files and it I can now open them. There is no audio on the saved files now, any thoughts on what I
did incorrectly?
Thanks for your help, I am not an advanced computer person.
If the video file was large then it could be in two or more fragments. Recuva deep scan will only find the first fragment, so this might be the cause of your problems. Does the video play to the end successfully?
No. For any file of two or more clusters in size, if the clusters are stored contiguously then the file is not fragmented. If the clusters are not contiguous then the file is fragmented. In this case Recuva can only identify the first fragment.