Next button non active

Hi all ! Excuse my poor English.

. I got a license

. created a virtual hard disk on my internal second drive (d:\disk_image2.vhd)

. the software that has in memory the .vhd file name displays it and gives the focus to the virtual disk option

. but the "Next" button ("Suivant" in French) stays inactive and I cannot go further.

Is it a bug or my fault ?

Best regards.


Welcome to the forum.

I would guess your fault.

You have posted a screen-shot "recuva_next.jpg" of the object "D:\disk_image2.vhd"

Neither Recuva nor Defraggler can do anything useful with the OBJECT "D:\disk_image2.vhd",

because that object is no more appropriate than a Screenshot of the object.


If you MOUNT that VHD (Virtual Hard Drive) object and if Windows Disk management can see that it contains NTFS or FAT partitions,


both Recuva and Defraggler should also see the partitions and be able to process their contents.