Newest versions of CCleaner, Defraggler and Speccy Fail to Install

The latest versions of Ccleaner, Defraggler and Speccy are failing to install for the first time ever for me. I have followed all advice listed on the site but to no avail, they just hang as it begins installation. I am using Windows XP sp3 1 gig ram 80 gig HD with 60 gigs available and have never had a problem like this with Piriform products before. All other programs update smoothly, there is no spyware or malware on my computer. HELP

Try not using a downloader (if you do) and also try using a different browser.

Let us know how you go on please.

I just experienced the same problem with Version 303.

I downloaded it from the Piriform link.

I use Firefox and no "downloader" is used... just open a folder on my harddrive and click "Save".

I'm trying to install it on a "stand-alone" computer running XP Pro (no internet connection).

I choose the particular "options" (save icon to desktop, etc.) and click install.

The install window starts to change and an error pops up informing me that there is a problem with the installation.

Behind the error box, the install window has something about Google Chrome in the title bar.

Once I close the error box, the install terminates.

I just installed the "slim" version with no problem.

Is Google Chrome integrated into the new 303 version?

You get an option to install Chrome or not during the install of the full ccleaner build.

Perhaps the fact that you had no internet connection when trying to install full version was the reason for the failure.

In the past, I've installed earlier versions (2.x) of CCleaner on computers with no internet connection and had no problem. (I also don't install add-on programs offered with most software programs.)

When I incurred the problem the 303 Full Version, I went to the website and looked for the system requirements. I might have missed it somewhere, but I couldn't locate any requirement to be connected to the internet when installing the program. (That's how/why I ended up here.)

If it's required to be connected to the internet, then it would stand to reason that it should be clearly stated.

As I've also noted, the Slim version installed just fine.

I might also reiterate that when the crash occurred, there was something relating to Google in the title bar (in the window behind the error box). The install never got to the point that it offered the option (checkbox) to install Google Chrome. I might understand the reason better, if the option to install Chrome was checked and could not connect to the internet... but as I indicated above, I would have unchecked the box and continued with the installation, as I have in the past with all such programs.

There is no 'requirement' as such.

I do note that when installing a new ccleaner build my firewall asks me for permission for ccleaner to call out. (I always say no :))

Chrome requires internet connection to install

Yahoo toolbar (ccleaner 2.x included) does not

I'm sure ccleaner checks on install only to see if it is the latest version (even if you don't have check for updates) but still will still install even if you block it from calling out, then doesn't check again.

Believe it calls to (or used to call out to that address)

Well, if it's not hooked to an internet connection, then it certainly is blocked from calling out.

It didn't give me the option of whether I wanted to install Chrome or not.

Since it crashed with Google showing in the title bar of the crashed window, it appears that it may be integrated into the install and doesn't give you the option until after it finds an internet connection?

Like I said... the Slim version installed just fine. The full version crashes at the same point, every time.

Since it crashed on the standalone, I haven't attempted to update my version on this computer. I'm leery of any such program that has to find an internet connection BEFORE it will install (unless it specifically tells me about it prior to my decision to install it and I know why it needs to do so).

In the past, I've found CCleaner to be a great program. Now, I'm becoming a bit skeptical... hopefully, they will get this resolved.