Newest Version of Defraggler

On my 7 computers, all using Windows 7 Home Premium, the newest version of Defraggler does not defrag; it goes from Analyze, briefly into Defrag, then right into Disk Performance, without defragmenting the C drive. Several of my drives were in the high teens as a percentage of fragmentation, yet it refuses to address them. This is the first problem that I have ever had with Defraggler. George

Reposted with Clarifications:

On my 7 computers, all using Windows 7 Home Premium and Internet Explorer, all fully updated, the newest version (2.19) of Defraggler does not defrag; it goes from Analyze, briefly through Defrag, then right into Disk Performance, without defragmenting the C drive. Several of my drives were in the high teens as a percentage of fragmentation, yet it refuses to address them. This is the first problem that I have ever had with Defraggler. George

PS I have just discovered that if I click on Quick Defrag using the carat at the Defrag Button, it does defrag. Huh! I have never used Quick Defrag before!

Have a number of clients with this issue: All complaints has come from the Defraggler Free users, none thus far from the paid..

Checked in my office, ver 2.17, 6% fragmentation, do partial defrag wait for 30% and still 6% fragmentation, update to 2.19… 10second defrag… complete with 6% still fragmented…

Cant convince any of the free users to convert to the paid… lost faith in product…

Even Quick Defrag is useless. 2 seconds and “done”… nothing done

Reverting all free users to 2.18 or earlier.. 2.19 update is a waste of time.. as bad as Microsoft's Vista defragmenter.

I must be issues here with Defraggler 2.19 on my Win 7.0 Home Premium 32bit (2 x HDD plus SSD not defrag) or Win 8.1.1 64bit (4 x HDD plus SSD not defrag).

My Defraggler is the free one.

I must be issues here with Defraggler 2.19 on my Win 7.0 Home Premium 32bit (2 x HDD plus SSD not defrag) or Win 8.1.1 64bit (4 x HDD plus SSD not defrag).

My Defraggler is the free one.

That is good for you..

So OK.. What has changed.. ?

Have just tested on WIn 8.1 - My default is to have "Move large Files to End of Drive during whole drive defrag" enabled

Disabling that setting and all appears well.

So that appears a reason 2 of my machines..

Works fine for me, your settings are out of wack, delete the ini file that keeps the settings so that a new one will be created, and try again. You probably have it ignore files larger then X or smaller then Y.

Do the non-working computers have enough free space available?

@gts1544, @und3rtak3r

I have tried to replicate the issue you are experiencing and it is working fine in my test environment using the latest version after an upgrade.

especially for @gts1544: In the first instance can you go into Settings > Advanced > Options > untick 'Use custom fragmentation settings' > Click OK. Then repeating the process can you turn it back on and ensure that both boxes in the 'Define' settings are ticked. Run another analysis/defrag and let me know the results.

You can also try uninstalling/reinstalling Defraggler and/or trying the portable version and report back if neither works.

@und3rtak3r: 6% is a low amount of fragmentation it is possible that there is nothing for Defraggler to currently do when it analyzes the drive?

I'm seeing the same problem with v2.19 (this time on windows 7 64bit professional). So I too have reverted to v2.18.

I will go back to 2.19 and try and isolate the problem area when I get some time.

I'll repeat my second comment:

Have just tested on WIn 8.1 - My default is to have "Move large Files to End of Drive during whole drive defrag"enabled

Disabling that setting and all appears well.

So that appears a reason 2 of my machines…

​have now tested on other machines.. and this has fixed the issue for me..

For those that suspected Fubared configs… many of the installations are CLEAN… ie new installs on new pc’s

I had same problem and disabling moving large files to end of drive resolved the failure to defrag. Will Piriform fix that soon?

Trying again with 2.19 .

a curious thing. when I first clicked defrag after re-installing 2.19 it appeared to start doing a defrag as normal; however after clicking stop, and then clicking defrag again then we just 'got building file list' followed almost immediately by 'calculating disk performance'.

unticking 'custom fragmentation settings' and then clicking defrag it started to work - again after clicking stop and then defrag the problem reappeared.

re-ticking the 'custom fragmentation settings' still left the problem.

unticking the 'move files to end of drive' and clicking defrag then it worked, and after clicking stop followed by defrag then it continued to work.

then tried using the 'portable' version - this behaved exactly as above.

so at present it looks as if you can't use 'move files to end of drive' with 2.19 on more than the first instance.

Thanks for the additional information. I will have a look into it.

@terry2: not been able to replicate that behaviour, if you have any more information please let me know and we can investigate further.

Thanks for the report, we have looked into it and added it to our development list unfortunately I do not have details around their timescales.

In the meantime, please try the following:

· Enable the additional condition ‘Move only selected files, folders and files types’

· Under file types create a new category that matches all file types (*.*)

I have attached an image, please let me know if this does/doesn't work for you.


I have the newest Free version of Defraggler(V2.19.982 (64bit)) running on a Windows 7 machine with loads of free disk space. In my latest run of Defraggler it appears to have stalled at 22% defragmentation and is INCREASING the number of Total Fragments to nearly 50% more than when it started!? I dare not stop it because of what may happen. Any ideas??

I have stopped the run because the fragment number was rising so fast. I restarted the run and it stalled at 21% and appeared to get stuck on a particular fragment. I have since uninstalled the program and gone back to the previous version.

@terry2: You're describing what I have experienced as well. The first time one runs the program behaves (more or less) as it should. But the second time i put DF v2.19 to work it seems to go "off the rails".

In my experience it's even worse. I have to re-start my laptop to get DF v2.19 working properly again. So, it seems that DF v2.19 messes up a bunch of variables (e.g. in the registry or in the Defraggler.ini file) or messes up things in the memory.

- Does it matter that I had (past tense) DF v2.17 & DF v2.18 installed as well ?

- I have a program called "Cleanmem" (from PcWinTech) installed. It reduces memory usage every 15 minutes. Could this be the cause of messing up DF's (v2.19) memory usage ?

My signature contains a link to (SPECCY) snapshot of my system set up.

(Yes, I have read MrK's comments but I still wanted to add my own comments).

@MrK (post #14):

- No, that didn't work. I followed your recommendations but DF still fails to move files (e.g Video files) to the end of the drive.

I ran DF v2.19 with the settings in the attachment.

Windows 7 Home Premium x64

3 Hard drives (300GB, 1TB, 2TB) at 5% to 18% fragmentation

Defraggler Free 2.19.982 x64

No defragmentation occurs.

- Nope. Even DF v2.18 doesn't move "large files" to the end of the drive. In DF v2.18 the user can set "Minimum file size" to e.g 1 MB. But even then DF won't move large files (> 1 MB) to the end of the drive. Not even when one has added a new category called "Everything, *.* ".

- It seems that DF v2.18 & v2.19 see that a number of files has been moved (to the end of the drive) and then somehow reaches the conclusion that there's no need to move the selected files/folders to the end of the drive any more.

- I would assume that setting the "Minimum File Size" to zero is also supposed to do the trick, would also move complete folders to the end of the drive.

- All this increased attention for DF v2.19 seems to brought about by the fact that this version has an (extra) option to move files/folders to the end of the drive.

I ran the program with the file "Defraggler.ini" as in the attachment.