Mozilla has identified 10 high-priority bugs in Firefox 3.0, three of them pegged "critical," but won't decide until next week whether to release the browser anyway or restart the final stretch by issuing a second release candidate (RC2).
"We are making a go/no go decision early next week, as we are still collecting feedback [on Release Candidate 1]," Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla's vice president of engineering, said in an e-mail Thursday.
Firefox 3.0 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) launched a week ago, but Mozilla has not yet committed to RC2. Previously, the company has only said it is targeting June as the release window for the final code.
Thank God I got Opera when I did. I still have FF .14 as a back-up.
Thank God I got Opera when I did. I still have FF .14 as a back-up.
Firefox RC1 is still a beta so of course its going to have flaws. And there's nothing special in opera that firefox hasn't got IMO.
Firefox RC1 is still a beta so of course its going to have flaws. And there's nothing special in opera that firefox hasn't got IMO.
i agree wth u bro.
Firefox RC1 is still a beta so of course its going to have flaws. And there's nothing special in opera that firefox hasn't got IMO.
Yeah after you add about 50 extensions. Out of the box there is absolutely no comparison. Firefox is one stripped down and useless browser without extensions. With extensions it's very good and was my main browser until Opera 9.5 beta 2.
With 5 betas and an RC in as many months FF is just a mess right now, nowhere near as consistent and stable as it was a year ago.
That's why I'll upgrade when its stable. My biggest issue with it is the memory leak that's plagued it. Hopefully they've finally tracked it down and fixed it.
"Hopefully" doesn't cut it for me. FF.14 is fine as a back-up, but Oprah I mean Opera is tops for me right now.