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Re: What have you done to this program? Never mind. I'm sure its just microsoft .

Piriform you were one of the best. Never mind what operating system I have. You Bolo'd

Thanks for doing everything but getting your head out of your {censored}. When can I expect CCleaner to follow suit?

Come on, you should know better.

Post the facts not the feelings.


not sure I understand the intent of this thread, feel it has no purpose; please respond with substance, or I may be forced to close it. I've edited you post due to offensive language usage.

Moon, Defraggler is a free program updated monthly (essentially in continual beta). So as beta testers, by posting details of discovered snags we help improve it. :)

I'm really confused @Moonchild has only posted one bug (as a 'me too') and reported that the silent UAC fix pushed out for that version fixed his issue.