Recuva worked like a charm. Many thanks. My pictures were recovered from my sd card. However, they appear as very small postage stamp size pictures on my computer. Any ideas? Thank you.
Are they recovered digital photos??
How big are the recovered files??
Richard S.
Are they recovered digital photos??
How big are the recovered files??
Richard S.
My files are digital photos from my SD card. They are now recovered and they are like 8 kb per photo, like a thumbnail. They were normal size everyday family snapshots taken by my Nikon Coolpix...and somehow my sd card had the error code "need formating". So I did recuva saving them on my computer and they are thumbnail size. Thank you for your reply. Linda
I've never used Nikon digital cameras however I can tell you that 8KB would be too small to be regular size photos, so it would appear you've recovered thumbnail images.
If you haven't already tried this then I would recommend using "Deep Scan" and see if Recuva can dig a little deeper.
Richard S.
I've never used Nikon digital cameras however I can tell you that 8KB would be too small to be regular size photos, so it would appear you've recovered thumbnail images.
If you haven't already tried this then I would recommend using "Deep Scan" and see if Recuva can dig a little deeper.
Richard S.
Richard, thanks for your reply. They are definitely thumbnail images. I used deep scan twice. Not sure what the deal is. Will play around with it some more tonight. Thank you. Linda
LSS wrote: "and somehow my sd card had the error code "need formating".
What did you do next? Try to recover your photos or reformat the card?