To Davey, Yo Kenny and Hazelnut
Thanks for your input
Note: I have never backed up any file on my PC ...period
I assume the purpose of a back up is :if you create a problem you can always go back and reinstall the file that existed before you made the change
I also assume the following:
1.Whenever I change/modify the registry I should always use "back up"...Yes or No?
2.Since I dont have any errors after changing the registry I guess I should delete the back up file in My Documents....Yes/No?
3.The back up file is a .reg file
4.I am using Win XP
5.If I had a problem and had to use back Davey suggested I clicked "open with" (since Merge did nothing)
Now another window appears and states
"Windows cannot open this file;To open this file windows needs to know what program created it
What do you want to do:
a) Use Web Services to find appropriate program............... (I did not select this)
b)Select program from list ................................................( I recognized Note pad, Word etc)"
I gave up at this point so I would not screw up my PC ...not knowing what I'm doing
(I did look at and opened the info that Haazelnut and Yo Kenny sent but did not know what to do with that info)
but I would like to know how to back up Registry if I ever needed to use "back up"
Hi Doc,
You are a good user.You take care to record things as you go along and you anticipate things.
P.S. Yes always reply "Yes" to back-up messages.If you don't get these messages then don't go any further.There is an option to turn this feature off but I recommend against it or you will have no back-up made.
Always wait awhile before you delete the back-ups.They are small files anyway.If you find that you are always "fixing issues" then something is wrong.Unless you are constantly installing and uninstalling software this should not occur often.
Average users should just leave the Registry alone anyhow.The Registry can have many issues for years and not affect anything.
That is why I advised you to leave it alone.If you really want to be a "techie" than that's a different matter. Just be prepared to be without your PC for awhile if things go badly.
The first thing I want you to do and learn is this simple but IMPORTANT task when doing any maintenance to your PC.
It is called Create a manual System Restore Point.Always do this step before anything else when doing system maintenance.
Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > click System Restore .You are now ready to Create a System Restore Point.
I have found these to be much more reliable than ones taken automatically.Just follow the instructions.If you do this often enough it will remain in your Start menu.
Don't go any further without Creating a System Restore Point.This is not always done by experienced users but always a good practice for any user just the same.
WE think that you need to restore your REG file associational since it is not working properly.
The link below will take you directly to the web page that you need to do this.
On the left hand side is a list.In this list you will find the following REG File Association Fix (Restore default associations for REG files).
Left click on REG File Association Fix and a File download window will appear.
Click on Open 1 time another box will appear Click on Open 1 more time and a window will appear.
In this window will be an icon like a sheet of paper with blue blocks on it.Left double click on that.
A Registry Editor window will open and ask if you want to add the information Reply YES.
Another box will appear informing that the changes have been made.
Now go try double clicking or right clicking on your CCleaner registration entries.It should work now.Either way Double left click or Right click and click on Merge.
Remember that the back up file is only for the items from that one execution of "fix issues".It is not a complete copy of your Registry.This way,later you can restore just those items without disturbing the rest of the Registry.If you do 3 "fix issues" and you want to reverse them then it is necessary to restore them in the "reverse" order in time that they were created.The #3 back up would be restored first.Then #2 and then #1.This is "Very Important".
There are other basic things you need as a "new user" but later for now.
Good luck,