newbie needs help!

Help! I am using an HP Pavillion note book - about 37G hard drive. It is about 8 years old. for several months late last year and early this year was having hard drive full problems - kept running the disk clean up, deleting and moving to an e drive whatever I could, but continued to have this problem. Finally I discovered CCleaner about 2 months ago. down loaded and ran it. Cleaned up 10Gs ! of space!!!! Sweet! thought I had resolved the problem. since then I had downloaded Fire Fox, and Google earth. and re-installed google tool-bar which I had accidently deleted previously. Now, probably not more than 2 months later I am again having hard drive full issues! I keep running CCleaner and the installed disk clean up more than once a day! Even if I have managed to accumulate 10Gs of junk in 2 months, which I find difficult to believe, why am I not able to clean it? every time I run the cleaners it is only cleaning a very small amount of stuff off.

I have only saved files only to e drive, and have moved google earth to e drive now.

I am hoping this is something easy to resolve that I just don't know about ...

I have read other posts on the site, none seem to pertain. I have checked settings for temp. internet files and set them pretty low

For the record I have windows xp, use IE6 and fire fox.

I sure hope someone can help me! This is making me crazy!!! :(:angry:

Deleted by Disk4mat

As you are running CC daily it is unlikely to remove much junk each time (unless you are a heavy surfer). What options do you have set on the Cleaner page? Temp Internet files, Recycle Bin, Temp Files, are big space users.

I hear that Google Earth is heavy on resources, so maybe you just have too many applications/files on your poor 37 gb drive. Uninstall anything you don't want, archive old stuff and delete it, just have a look around for old crud.

As you are running CC daily it is unlikely to remove much junk each time (unless you are a heavy surfer). What options do you have set on the Cleaner page? Temp Internet files, Recycle Bin, Temp Files, are big space users.

I hear that Google Earth is heavy on resources, so maybe you just have too many applications/files on your poor 37 gb drive. Uninstall anything you don't want, archive old stuff and delete it, just have a look around for old crud.

moved and deleted all files and programs that i could! I understand what you are saying but it took me 7 years to accumulate that 10G of junk, don't know how I could have done it again in 2 months. I have far fewer files and programs etc on the hard drive than I did at same time last year when I wasn't having any problems lol. No file sharing. moved itunes, pix everything I could to e-drive earlier this year - before I found CCleaner. I went thru everything on c drive before I found CCleaner and like I said, removed everything I could *sigh*

i realize this may not be a problem with CCleaner, I just don't know whats going on.

That almost sounds normal. The first cleaning picked up temp and obsolete files that built up over time. Now performing routine cleaning is only finding/removing the small bits from day to day activity. If you really need to free up some space, take a look at installed programs, games and installers just laying around that you've downloaded.

Look for files that you can archive to cd/dvd such as pictures and videos. Its kinda hard to say where the space is going and what to do in order to reclaim it. We dont know exactly whats installed and what is done on a day to day basis. Do you use and p2p/file sharing apps?

mostly browse internet - visit some forums I belong to - watch video, email. ...

moved pix, vids, and music to e drive previously

have gone thru programs installed and deleted what I could, gone thru all files on c drive and moved or deleted what I could. all this before I found CCleaner and cleared up that 10Gs of space.

I know what you mean about clearing a lot the first time being normal - I just didn't figure that 10G would disappear so fast (it took me 7 years to fill the hard drive to begin with, and that with regular use of the cleaner it wouldn't as I am not downloading or saving anything new to computer, except like I said Fire Fox and google earth. have since removed google earth .

so I realize this may not be a CCleaner problem ? I just don't know what the heck it is and I am hoping somebody here does and can help me ... :(

You can tell us how much free space your hard disk has that keeps telling you it's full.

To do this:

1. Open My Computer.

2. Right click that hard disk, and select Properties.

3. Either take a screenshot and post it on here, or type in the free space info, i.e.; 18.5 GB.

I can't remember or not if there's a Microsoft Windows patch for reoccurring free space is low errors when it really isn't or not, but I could've sworn there was.

You can tell us how much free space your hard disk has that keeps telling you it's full.

To do this:

1. Open My Computer.

2. Right click that hard disk, and select Properties.

3. Either take a screenshot and post it on here, or type in the free space info, i.e.; 18.5 GB.

I can't remember or not if there's a Microsoft Windows patch for reoccurring free space is low errors when it really isn't or not, but I could've sworn there was.

am now down to just over 64MB gah! lol - 8 weeks ago was 10G :(

am now down to just over 64MB gah! lol - 8 weeks ago was 10G :(

Hi Stormy,

Looks like you are about to come to a screeching BSOD.

Since you cleaned up your PC,something has now started to eat up that space.

You need to find out where that space is being filled up.Then we can help you to prevent it from happening again.

First thing you need to do is stop running as many programs as possible.One of them is possibly the culprit.This does not include CCleaner.

Start by taking a manual System Restore Point and running ERUNT if you have it.Now you have some backup.If you don't have enough space then do the next step first then this step.

You need some space to work with so I suggest using Windows Disk Cleanup program > Advanced tab and deleting all but the most recent System Restore Point.Please note how much space you regain.

If you are not currently using the winapp2.ini file in your CCleaner folder use this link and down at the bottom of the first post you can download it and put it in your C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.

Then run CCleaner.This will clean more ares than you have been cleaning.

Please note how much space you regain.

Since you are using Firefox,you might make sure that you cleaning or releasing as much space as possible there.Please note how much space you regain.

You say that you are backing things up to another drive.That is an excellent practice.Just be sure that in one of your back up jobs that you are not accidentally backing up to C drive.Please note how much space you regain.

Some back up programs such as ERUNT,when run manually will create files that must be manually deleted.These can accumulate.Please note how much space you regain.

Check Any other users and AllUsers and Default users "Documents and Settings" files.CCleaner only cleans out ares being used by the current user.Some users forget this.Please note how much space you regain.

P.S. Check Windows temp files also.Turn off option at Options > Advanced as regards Windows temp files.Turn back on later if you like.

Hope these steps help you out.Let us know how it works out.

:) davey

P.S. Almost forgot a very important thing.

Scan for viruses etc. If you don't have any security then use this link and install some immediately before you have no room left. Read his other posts as well. Buttons on left.

You haven't used bootvis by any chance have you?

Or do you use Norton and have the Norton protected recycle bin?

You haven't used bootvis by any chance have you?

Or do you use Norton and have the Norton protected recycle bin?

no bootvis. I do have norton - don't know if I have the protected recycle bin. ?

It was just one of the things mentioned here.

As you can see it's a pretty comprehensive list of things to look at.

You can tell us how much free space your hard disk has that keeps telling you it's full.

To do this:

1. Open My Computer.

2. Right click that hard disk, and select Properties.

3. Either take a screenshot and post it on here, or type in the free space info, i.e.; 18.5 GB.

I can't remember or not if there's a Microsoft Windows patch for reoccurring free space is low errors when it really isn't or not, but I could've sworn there was.

searched for patch only found how to turn off warning :P I also searched for disk space loss, seems I'm not the only one ...

no bootvis. I do have norton - don't know if I have the protected recycle bin. ?

found some info regarding the norton recycle but seems it is hidden ... found the command prompt to enter and I get a list of a bunch of files but I don't know how to delete them

It was just one of the things mentioned here.

As you can see it's a pretty comprehensive list of things to look at.

thanks for this link - will look and try ...

thanks for this link - will look and try ...

gah! some of the links go to topics that are gone - tells you how to find hidden files, but not how to delete them. instructions for showing hidden files in "windows explorer" don't work for me ...

and a lot of stuff in general is over my head or something ...

:blink: I'm ready to give up ... :(

I do appreciate all the help tho

Hi Stormy,

Looks like you are about to come to a screeching BSOD.

Since you cleaned up your PC,something has now started to eat up that space.

You need to find out where that space is being filled up.Then we can help you to prevent it from happening again.

First thing you need to do is stop running as many programs as possible.One of them is possibly the culprit.This does not include CCleaner.

Start by taking a manual System Restore Point and running ERUNT if you have it.Now you have some backup.If you don't have enough space then do the next step first then this step.

You need some space to work with so I suggest using Windows Disk Cleanup program > Advanced tab and deleting all but the most recent System Restore Point.Please note how much space you regain.

If you are not currently using the winapp2.ini file in your CCleaner folder use this link and down at the bottom of the first post you can download it and put it in your C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.

Then run CCleaner.This will clean more ares than you have been cleaning.

Please note how much space you regain.

Since you are using Firefox,you might make sure that you cleaning or releasing as much space as possible there.Please note how much space you regain.

You say that you are backing things up to another drive.That is an excellent practice.Just be sure that in one of your back up jobs that you are not accidentally backing up to C drive.Please note how much space you regain.

Some back up programs such as ERUNT,when run manually will create files that must be manually deleted.These can accumulate.Please note how much space you regain.

Check Any other users and AllUsers and Default users "Documents and Settings" files.CCleaner only cleans out ares being used by the current user.Some users forget this.Please note how much space you regain.

P.S. Check Windows temp files also.Turn off option at Options > Advanced as regards Windows temp files.Turn back on later if you like.

Hope these steps help you out.Let us know how it works out.

:) davey

P.S. Almost forgot a very important thing.

Scan for viruses etc. If you don't have any security then use this link and install some immediately before you have no room left. Read his other posts as well. Buttons on left.

ok - thanks for all the info - have done what I can. surprisingly I left my computer at 64M of space - came back later and there was 135 ... ? have managed to clean up a little more - got to over 400M but that will prolly go fast the way things are going for me.

Are you able to press the start button (the one with the windows flag on it) on your keyboard, and press the E key at the same time and get my computer come up?

Can you then do tools-folder options, and then view and put a dot in show hidden files and folders and click apply.

Can you see any now?

Apart from the missing space problem, have you noticed anything else happening?

Are you able to press the start button (the one with the windows flag on it) on your keyboard, and press the E key at the same time and get my computer come up?

Can you then do tools-folder options, and then view and put a dot in show hidden files and folders and click apply.

Can you see any now?

Apart from the missing space problem, have you noticed anything else happening?

why yes I can lol. yes I am not a techie. Normally I am pretty good at figuring things out on my own, but have hit a wall here. I have been dogged by this issue for quite a while now and keep thinking I have resolved the issue only to have it re=surface before too long.

hmmm ... I still can't see what's in the "recycler" file ... *sigh*

no, haven't had any other problems going on.

I appreciate all your help

Check your System Restore settings (Start -> Control Panel -> System -> System Restore tab -> settings). If you haven't adjusted those settings you are probably losing about 4 gigs to restore points. Try moving the slider so that you are using about 1 gig. For you this should be about about 3% which is more than enough for restore points.