:o Okay, so I have this uncanny knack for screwing things up, so before I end up doing it again I figured I'd give out a holler and hope that I get an answer before I do something stupid.

My computer has been running PAINFULLY slow - doesn't help that we still have dial-up, like that's not bad enough. I can wait a good couple minutes for a single page to load. So, after yelling at this inatimate object more times than I care for longer than I wish, I found CC CLEANER and am ready to give it a shot.

Now, I ran it, and I read what I could on this forum, but I'm afraid I'm going to do something wrong - among all this, I'm not very computer savvy at all, which doesn't help matters much.

The log says that I will free up over 64 MB of space if I run cleaner - does this sound like this could be right?

My worries are:

I'll wipe something off that's needed (I've wiped my HD twice in past years and no, I have nothing backed up, haven't figured that out yet!)

Is this compatable with AOL - I see it mentions IE and FF, but not AOL - does AOL even have anything to do with it?

In Applications - what exactly would this program clean up in something like PHOTOSHOP?

I have webroot spysweeper, but under utilities it's not checked off, and it's gray - should I check it off?

It shows I have 5753 temp internet files - with over 35mb in that area - that sounds nuts!

Well, I hope, come morning I'll be able to tackle this, and hopefully, be able to have a better running computer and a great piece of mind that CC will become my best friend :)


"I'll wipe something off that's needed (I've wiped my HD twice in past years and no, I have nothing backed up, haven't figured that out yet!)"

I believe CCleaner has been designed in a way they what it removes is close to 100% safe to remove as it could be.

"In Applications - what exactly would this program clean up in something like PHOTOSHOP?"

It cleans the MRU(Most resent used) list which is if you open a app and click file then open it normally points to the last file and or folder you used CCleaner will simply remove a registry entry(which is safe) so next time you open a file with in the selected program it does not point to the file and or folder you last used. Its a privacy thing.

"It shows I have 5753 temp internet files - with over 35mb in that area - that sounds nuts!"

All the components of a web page which you have viewed are download this will simply clean the history from within your selected browser(which should be FireFox :D ).

"Is this compatable with AOL - I see it mentions IE and FF, but not AOL - does AOL even have anything to do with it?"

I believe the AOL browser uses the IE engine there for i would assume if you clean The IE history from with in CCleaner it should remove the history from with in the AOL browser as well.

"I have webroot spysweeper, but under utilities it's not checked off, and it's gray - should I check it off?"

Things that are not automatically checked are normally because it may remove something the a user may want i looked at the .ini entry it it looks like it will remove the history and log file. But as i said they are normally not ticked automatically for a reason. Just wait and someone else will properly answer that tho i believe it would be ok.

64mb isn't that much.

the first time i ran it, it cleaned about 1 gigabyte!

-old temp downloadfiles, cookies, and everything else.

don't worry, this program is the best, it won't delete anything you need ;)

64MB really isn't much at all. I run CCleaner sometimes once a month, I've cleaned out anywhere from a few MB to about a GB and a half. It's safe.

Yeah, that's not much at all. Have you enabled the advanced options?

That's not to say it's a BAD thing or that something is wrong.

:) Thanks for your replies and confidence in CC cleaner. I ran it without any issues, or so it seems.

ADVANCED? What's the difference between that and the regular mode? What more will it remove, if anything?

Now, if anyone could help me figure out why I keep getting this PS2.bat for keyboard window at startup, I'd be a happy camper - but I guess that's another board to go to ;)

Thanks again!!!

Okay guys, can you help me out?

Didn't know you had to run this for every person who has an account on the computer :blink:

So, ran it on one other name and found a bunch of crap. Problem though, I have this bunch of stuff it won't let me fix in the issues area. I get this message:

The uninstaller file or directory referenced at: C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB823182$\spuninst\spuninst.exe could not be located. These references are often left behind after uninstalling software.

Solution: Delete the registry key.

It seems this is something to do with an uninstaller for SP2, which I had major issues with and uninstalled long ago.

So, do I go in to the registry and just delete the folders that are listed, like above?

Also, why did this come up on his name and not mine, I'm the administrator (house AND computer ;) )

Thanks again!!!

Previous patches (before SP2 even came out) were called SP2, and the current patches (ones after SP2) are called SP3.

You uninstalled SP2? x_x

Are you at least current with WindowsUpdate?

Can't explain why it only shows up in one account. (does it say HKLM ?) Did you scan for issues more than once in your account? Orphaned issues beget other orphaned issues (once removed). So, if you did an issues scan from your account, then removed all issues found, then scanned from his account, it's guaranteed that you'll find different issues (which isn't related to the fact that you switched profiles, except for HKCU entries) because when you remove issues, they cause other issues to become orphaned.

Don't go into the registry to delete anything; that's CCleaner showing you this issue, and it's therefore CCleaner's job to remove it. Don't ever delete any $NtUninstall$ folders, ever. (although from the looks of CCleaner's report, that folder doesn't exist anyway).

:o Ummmm, I did delete one line - OMG, what have I done? Hopefully nothing - but remember that first post and my uncanny knack for screwing things up??? :unsure:

Hope no one minds, but this is a copy of the log of items it tells me it can't remove - Oh, and it's the last registry I removed - any help / thoughts? Can I get it back if I need it? It ain't in the recycle bin no more :(

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB823182"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"







"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB824105"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"







"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB824141"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"







"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB825119"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"





"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB826939"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"





"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB828035"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"







"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB828741"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"








"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB833987"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB834707"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB835732"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"








"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB837001"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"








"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB839643"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"








"DisplayName"="DirectX 9 Hotfix - KB839643"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"




"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB839645"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB840315"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB840374"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"








"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB840987"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB841356"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB841533"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB841873"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB842773"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB867282"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB871250"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB873333"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB873339"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB873376"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB883357"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB885250"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB885835"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB885836"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB888113"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB888302"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB889293"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB890047"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB890175"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB891711"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix - KB891781"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






"DisplayName"="Windows XP Hotfix (SP2) Q819696"




"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation"






Are you still trying to remove these as a non-administrator? Because you can't do that.

They don't show up when I do it under Administrator, only when I log on to another name. It let me delete all the other crap but the above listed items.

Any idea, the one I took out, can I put it back?



I mean, are the other names limited users?

And no, can't put anything back that you deleted via regedit.