Newbie help please

Please can someone help. I ran the CCleaner programme a few days ago and think I may have deleted something inadvertently! Can I restore things back to how they were? One of the sites I use in which I have to log in will no longer let me log in saying user not recognised so the only thing I can think is that I have deleted something which I shouldn't have. Sorry if I'm not making much sense but can anyone help as I need to log-in to this site as soon as poss so am panicking a bit. If so can you tell me in simple terms too (sorry!)

Thank you

CCleaner only wiped out your cookies. Make sure that you enter the correct username/password.

CCleaner does nothing that would prevent a website from working.

CCleaner only wiped out your cookies. Make sure that you enter the correct username/password.

CCleaner does nothing that would prevent a website from working.

Thank you for your quick reply. I'm definitely using correct details to log-in. Was just wondering if the site needed some link from the cookies I deleted to recognise me and by deleting the cookies I've lost that. Once cookies are deleted is there no way to undo it? It's a pain cos the site has no way of resetting details or even contacting them if you cannot log-in in the first place. Maybe the site is playing up, will keep trying. Thanks again though.

All a cookie does is prevent you from having to log into a site everytime you go to it. Its how the site remembers you. Do you know anyone else that uses this site? If so ask them if they are having problems accessing it.

Is the site a common one?(yahoo email, ect.) Or is it a business site thats only used by a company?

All a cookie does is prevent you from having to log into a site everytime you go to it. Its how the site remembers you. Do you know anyone else that uses this site? If so ask them if they are having problems accessing it.

Is the site a common one?(yahoo email, ect.) Or is it a business site thats only used by a company?

Yes, I do know someone, I'll get them to try, good thinking Batman! Mind not working properly, getting in a bit of a flap, gonna have a coffee to calm down.

Site is Ayrton Moon/Cosmetic Research.

Thank you again

Another possibility is an installed firewall going stupid. I only say this because last night I couldn't access any site because ZoneAlarm decided to block everything, a system restart fixed that.

Is your cookies enabled?

Yes cookies were enabled but update now anyway - have just got in, (had to leave it earlier on) and tried again. Still couldn't log in so looked in recycle bin (and I realise I'm probably talking absolute rubbish here or it was just coincidence) but typed in part of file name I was looking for - Cosmetic Research and clicked on various references to the site as they came up AND............managed to log-in, HURRAH :D:D:):) . Don't know how that happened, whether I did something or not but it's working so I'm not complaining. Thanks to everyone who replied, you are a very friendly and helpful bunch especially to non-techies like myself. Will no doubt be back as and when more problems occur!!

I too recently ran the programme and somehow I cant use a site I visited regularly, but this problem only occurs when I use Netscape 7.1. I dont have any problems when I'm using Explorer or Firefox.

Any suggestions???

Whats the site? If its netscape related I have heard that they are making it where you have to upgrade to the new buggy netscape 8 to use their sites.

I too recently ran the programme and somehow I cant use a site I visited regularly, but this problem only occurs when I use Netscape 7.1. I dont have any problems when I'm using Explorer or Firefox.

Any suggestions???

Netscape 7.1 is basically Mozilla 1.4 - if you don't want to use netscape 8, which is essentially firefox 1.07 with a few extra features, then go to and download mozilla 1.7.12 (that last part is "twelve" - .12 is higher than .4) If you go to the newer Moz, you probably will be able to run it just like firefox (which is also based on moz 1.7.12)

Netscape 7.2 is safer than 7.1, and based on the newer Mozilla (1.7.4) engine, but since netscape is not following that path any longer, you might as well go with moz 1.7.12 - it's safer, faster to load, and you'll have almost no learning curve, because it pretty much looks and acts like netscaper 7.1 (a few refinements in features, way more secure, and lots of extensions and skins for it, too!)


I know it's probably not much consolation, but I have exactly the same problem.

I have emailed them several times and finally got a reply telling me I have 2 different sets of details, so it wasn't letting me on the site.

I think it's just coincidence