Click the quality button and above 360p and 480p you find Textp, by using text mode you are saving YouTube $1 a second in bandwidth cost:
PS Don't forget to read the blue info box when you've selected text mode
April 1, 2010, 2:20am
Mate, the link seemed blocked unless you sign in. And can you give a little more info about this text mode on Youtube???
Ah, sorry, didn't expect that vid to be an 18 rated vid, have changed vid link to something else (the vid isn't really important, you can probably find a few other examples)
April 1, 2010, 2:56am
How exactly do you get to use this "Text Mode"????
How exactly do you get to use this "Text Mode"????
I said in my first post: "Click the quality button and above 360p and 480p you find Textp"
April 1, 2010, 9:33am
I don't see the "Textp" button.
Its missing on mine as well (and doesn't seem to work on all videos) but you just add &textp=fool to the end of the url
note: I cant get it working any more that way either, worked on one video...
o' and there is a 3D mode on google streetview
I think you need to add &aprfool to the URL.
ETA - sorry fireyone ... didn't 'see' your post properly. Actually I quite like the idea of 3D streetview. Maybe I'll put two PCs alongside and put me coloured glasses on
It got me JD.
I was wondering who the hell would want to watch "text" video's, and then it dawned.
Go Topeka something - Go Topeka something!!!