New version not showing removable media or imaged disks

I was running Recuva v1.43.623 -- and everything seemed to be working fine. When I select a drive in the drop-down list, it would list my physical drives as well as my removable media drive letters and even an ImDisk mounted virtual disk. This is how it has always been and it seemed to work fine showing all of the possible drives.

Today, I upgraded to the latest version (v1.47.948) and suddenly only my actual physical disks show up in the drop-down list to select from. None of my removable drives are there nor the ImDisk virtual drive (which where I do most of my recovery from actually -- since I first clone the disk and then use it to recover from just to be safe).

I looked for a new option to possible hide/show removable disks from the list, but I don't see it. Am I missing something? Or is this just a bug in the latest build?

Thank you!

- John

Note that I CAN scan the other disks if I use the Wizard mode and just select by drive letter -- but I'd like them to show up (as they always did before) in the Advanced mode in the drop-down list, of course.

Just wanted to clarify that. Thanks.

- John...

Any update on this? This just seems like a bug that was introduced or something. Again, the problem is that removable and virtual drives no longer show up in the drive selection dropdown box when you are not using the Wizard. This worked FINE in v1.43.623 and stopped working sometime between there and v1.47.948. They still do NOT show up in the latest version (v1.48.982).

Can this be fixed? It's a royal pain. :(

- John...

I take it back -- it has actually gotten WORSE in the latest version! I now cannot even scan an ImDisk mounted virtual drive using the Wizard! It shows up as a normal drive and I can select it, but when I try to scan it says that it is an "Invalid drive for scan."

Again, this used to work just fine. Why can't I use Recuva on these any more? It is fairly standard practice for me to clone a drive to an image before I do anything with it -- then I work on just the image (mounted with ImDisk). Worked great in v1.43 and before. No longer works.

- John...

As an update, in v1.49.1019, I am able to view and scan virtual drives again. So, this appears to be resolved, I guess.

- John...

Thanks for coming back and letting us know, john.

Actually, looks like there is a problem again. I'm running the latest version (1.50.1036) and, once again, virtual drives mounted from images (using IMDisk) are not appearing as options to scan.

I get this both using the 32-bit version under XP and the 64-bit version under Win7.

Seems like every time there is a new build, it switches back and forth between seeing and not seeing virtual disks!

- John...

Ok -- just to follow up... I wanted to confirm that this was from the Recuva side of things and not something I was doing at my end (i.e. with IMDisk version changes or something).

I went and found the previous version of Recuva -- v1.49.1019. So, I have the two versions right next to each other -- v1.49 and the latest v1.50 -- both on the same machine (64-bit) and with the same mounted virtual drive.

in v1.49, the mounted drive (which I have mapped to "T:") shows up just fine and can be scanned.

In v1.50, it simply doesn't show it at all. It isn't an option to pick.

So, just wanted to pass that along in hopes that it helps you. Something broke between those two versions (that has, apparently, broken before and then been fixed since that has happened with previous versions where it worked, then didn't work, then worked again).

Thank you!

- John

I've got the same issue going on. Frustrating as I paid for pro version to support the company with the intention of using recuva on multiple mounted images. Hopefully it gets fixed soon!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Just to note it, I just installed the latest version -- v1.51.1063 (64-bit) -- and it still does NOT see virtual disks.

I run v1.49.1019 (64-bit) and it sees and scans it just fine.

- John...